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The Pathfinders


This district of the city was previously inhabited by a faction that strived for the magical domination of Thellor. This entire faction (and its district) were destroyed in their attempted uprising. The Wizard gave this piece of land to a man named Lomas Bronzemask, a former adventurer who had seen the wonders of the world and believed magic and technology could be combined to create something greater. In a decades time he turned the smouldering ruin into a thriving district.  

Inhabitants and Role

This faction is the youngest and newest faction of Meropis. It mostly consists of humans and some dwarves, although most races are accepted as the emphasis mostly lies in a curious nature. Old veterans who've lost limbs in wars wearing prosthetics, bards who compose grand orchestral pieces to create new powerful spells, alchemists trying to create new potions to cure diseases that ravage the land, gunsmiths trying to create weapons all people, noble and poor can use to level the playing field and more can be found in this district.  

Relation with other Districts

Due to its relative quick rise to power within Meropis, inhabitants of more established districts might shun this newly found district. However opinions are slowly changing as other people come to realise the pathfinders might be able to help Meropis grow. Especially the Silver district has grown a liking to this district as new inventions grow the revenue stream.   The Pathfinders frequently use old knowledge to create new knowledge, and that knowledge in turn needs to be recorded. So the Lorekeepers and the Pathfinders have a fruitful collaboration.   Members of the Sheperds flock generally distrust any invention made by the Pathfinders and the Pathfinders generally find the Flocks way of life Archaic. The two groups often clash, mostly when the Pathfinders want to change or improve existing methods used by the Flock. Some members of both factions have made peace however and work together to create new things that would not be possible without both factions' expertise.
Geopolitical, City-state
Alternative Names
The copper district
Parent Organization


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