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Blind Thicket

The Blind Thicket is a particularly dense patch of wildlife located near the heart of the forest west of Nanganato. The thicket is guarded by a dryad named Syllis who is bound to one of the trees there.  

Well of Visions

Deep within the thicket is a small stone well, crafted and enchanted by the Ever Present. One who drinks water from the well is challenged with an internal test of wisdom. Those who fail are pacified and put to sleep for a brief time, but those who pass are able to detect the strange taste of magic permeating their body for the same brief time. While this presence is inside someone, they may picture a creature in their mind and speak the name of that creature to activate the magic of the well. The surface of the water will reflect the current location of that creature, if it is alive and on the same plane of existance, otherwise the power will not be activated. The vision is only shown to the single person who activates the power of the well, a power which can be used only one time per day regardless of how many people try.   Hidden within the way the well works is a cost. Those who use it one time awaken the attention of the Collector of Trinkets. Those who use it a second time, are likely to lose their souls to her. There is one way to avoid the cost, and that is to make an offering into the well before using its power. The offering must be of significant value to the user, preferably something they value greatly from their past or else something they will desperately need in their future. By making such an offering, they are able to appease the Collector of Trinkets and keep their souls.   Syllis, the guardian of the thicket and the well, understands the basic way in which it works without knowing all of the details. She has been instructed by the Ever Present to guard the well and entice people to use it. Syllis knows that the power taken from people who use the well is split between the Ever Present and the forest itself. By encouraging more people to use the well, she ensures more power for the forest.
Location under


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