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Hope Valley

A collection of a dozen farms run by as many families. The valley sits between hills on the northeast and southwest. The land, which is barely above sea level, is especially fertile but not quite as flooded as the nearby Crystal Basin.  


The land has always been particularly well suited for crops, but it is three days walk from the closest major trade route and even farther from any major cities. A single family would be too isolated and at risk here, but in S317 a collection of 12 families decided to settle the area together and each set up their own farm. Although each family would live and work separately, their greater numbers would help to ensure the safety of everyone and make trips from traders more worthwhile. At the request of Kelran, the Reborn of the Temple of Kawahara, the Order of the Seeking Fox spent weeks here protecting the families and aiding them as the farms were set up. In exchange, Kelran was able to revive Leilu after Eru Arashi was unable to do so.   Early during the Moon of Storms in S318 a camp of slavers set up in the hills northwest of the settlement and began abducting lone workers from the fields. Some farmers wanted to join together and fight the slavers, but the collection of families was not unified enough and many prefered to keep to themselves and avoid trouble. The farmers sent word to Nanganato and a squad of the South Guard was sent to handle the problem. The slavers saw them coming from far away and had no problem packing up their small camp and escaping before the soldiers arrived. After staying for several days, the soldiers were forced to return to Nanganato, after which time the slavers returned and began abducting more victims. One of the farmers, Suji, reached out to The Cord and requested a smaller group that could move quickly enough to hunt down the slavers and eliminate the problem.
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