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Kawahara is the goddess of birth and renewal. She presides over a great many duties ranging from ensuring the safety of mothers and children during childbirth to creating bountiful harvests. Owing to the nature of these tasks she is almost constantly busy, but also well loved and worshipped throughout Seinnaris.  


Kawahara appears similar to a middle aged humanoid woman in stature and features, with several noteable exceptions. Her hair is the bright green color of fresh grass, and blows freely behind her as if on a light breeze no matter where she is. Her skin is a lighter shade of green, with the first signs of creases and wrinkes most visible around her jade colored eyes and the corners of her mouth. She dresses in fabrics of browns and golds, like wheat in the field, which appear to have been woven directly around her form. Wherever her bare feet touch down, new life springs forth.  


Kawahara is warm and loving towards all, even those she does not approve of. She would never level more than disappointment at anyone, no matter how heinous the crime, leading her peers to view her as a bit of a pushover despite the prominent role she serves.  


Kawhara loves the people of Seinnaris in a motherly way, and as such considers the love that Sansha has for them to be a little bit naive or even irresponsible at times. Nevertheless, the fact that they share love for all people, not just their chosen followers, is a bond between them which ensures that they never find themselves on opposing sides of a conflict.   Although her endless work to raise crops and share bounty with the land is thwarted every year by the coming of Alsus, Kawahara is on good terms with the goddess of winter. There is a cyclic nature to the seasons and Kawahara understands that both ends are necessary to maintain balance. Alsus often pushes to begin winter as early as she can, which Kawahara will actively push back against. Likewise, Kawahara begins bringing life back the land as early in the year as she can, despite Alsus fighting to keep the cold of winter for as long as possible. In the end, the dynamic between the two is one of mutual respect.   Similarly, she respects the work of Morigawa and even Hamamoto, as necessary to maintaining the balance of Seinnaris. This sentiment is not extended to the work of Senno, as Kawahara believes all wars to be unnecessary sources of death and a perversion of everything she stands for.  


Followers are referred to as the Children of Kawahara.   Followers associated with a particular temple are given a more specific title based on their role.
  • The Reborn - The leader of a temple, blessed with divine powers.
  • Life's Guardian - Follower blessed with divine powers that helps run and protect a temple.
  • Life's Watcher - Follower without divine powers that helps run and protect a temple.
  • Bounty's Guardian - Follower blessed with divine power but still in training.
  • Bounty's Watcher - Follower without divine powers training to help run and protect a temple.

Places of Worship



Lady of Life
Land's Bounty
Divine Classification
greater deity
Ruled Locations
a seedling sprouting from the ground
neutral good
Typical Followers


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