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Kozue Southwind

A wizard who specializes in the creation of undead.  

Personal History

Kozue was born in S271, two years before his younger sister Yumia. As members of the Southwind Clan, the two of them grew up in an upper middle class family in Nanganato.   Unfortunately for the siblings, their clan had spent the last three decades clashing politically with Mitsui Atsutane, the Regent of the city for most of that time. The fighting cooled in S263 when Zannur Atsutane took over as regent, but the clan was already on the decline by then.   Nevertheless, Kozue excelled at arcane magic and enrolled in the Academy of the Arcane at the age of 10. Four years later his sister Yumia joined him there, when she was 12. The two developed a reputation of arguing with teachers, disobeying rules, and pushing the bounds of morals and ethics in pursuit of greater knowledge and power. Both siblings were suspended on multiple occasions, and eventually kicked out of the school in S289.   The siblings took this opportunity to renew their clan's political battle with the Atsutanes. Public opinion strongly sided with the Atsutane clan however, and the siblings eventually found themselves exiled from Nanganato.   They traveled together for several years, accepting any kind of jobs they could to get by. During this time they continued developing their magic, and Kozue focused almost exlusively on necromancy and bringing back the dead.   Sometime in S316 the siblings accepted work from Motarasu. Along with some others, they attacked Okane Manor to steal an artifact from Aiyalae Nightbloom. Unfortunately she escaped, and they were forced to chase her north and then attack Koba's Point where she hid. During the attack they killed Mahkah the Blade and Yoi Kashiwa, but captured Ryu Shiroma, Black Moon, and Aiyalae Nightbloom. He stayed in the lighthouse to keep an eye on the prinsoners while his sister traveled to Ahonato to retrieve that artifact that Aiyalae had supposedly stashed there.   While she was gone, the Order of the Seeking Fox arrived at the lighthouse and defeated Kozue. On orders from The Cord, the Seeking Fox traveled north to investigate the murders taking place in that city. They took Kozue along and turned him in at the Iron Hall in the city.   During his stay there, he was brutally tortured and interrogated by Uthaz, who relished taking small pieces of him as souvenirs. After he revelead that he was able to speak with his sister via her Sending spell, she removed his tongue. Not long after that he stopped receiving messages from his sister's spell. His fears were confirmed when he later learned that she had been killed by the Seeking Fox.   The Crimson Dawn eventually visited him in the basement of the Iron Hall and explained that she didn't approve of the treatment he had received. She had him removed from the Iron Hall and shipped back with her to Nanganato to imprison him there in a more humane manner. She also brought Yumia's body along so that it could be burried in the Southwind Clan crypt.
Date of Birth
Year of Birth
527 47 Years old


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