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Temple of the Lost

A temple created for the worship of The Lady of Loss and run by the Acolytes of Shadow.  


Although most buildings within the Second Quarter are drab and emphasize function over form, this building stands out as sleek and polished. The base of the building is constructed with a mix of roughly jagged dark granite and smoothly polished black obsidian stone. The rest of the building exterior is constructed from dark cedar. The entrance at the front is a single heavy wooden door underneath an overshadowing stone archway that casts the door in dark shadows.   Directly inside is a small gathering room with benches and chairs. Worshippers meet here to pray silently or outloud as a group. To the left of that is a door which leads to a pair of private offices. To the right is an open archway that leads into a small library, called the Shadow's Hold, where religious tomes and artifacts are collected.   Straight through the entry room is a hallway with two doors on both the left and righthand sides. Each door leads to private chambers of the people that live at the temple and take care of it. At the end of the hallway is a set of stairs that descends downward into a dark basement room. The room appears entirely empty, save for a deep pool of cold water in the middle of the floor.  


Life in Ahonato is driven by money, especially since being partially abandoned by the Hisashi Clan in S190. The city sits on the intersection of the Mottagawa River and Lake Kohu, so there has always been a temple for Aanke. Apart from her worshipers, city residents were not known for being devout.   Despite this, the Gold Guild, at the behest of Yosai Goldwind, founded the creation of the Temple of the Dark Goddess in S309. Yosai's support even helped the temple gain influence in the years that immediately followed, even though he himself was not a regular attendee. Priests emphasized Hamamoto in her role as the goddess of loss, and explained that losing possesion of something was one of the primary ways to worship her. The message resonated with the common people of the city, because it painted them as more devout rather than less fortunate.   During the Golden Moon in S316, the Order of the Seeking Fox visited the city in an effort to uncover the source of a series of murders plaguing the High Quarter. One of their members at the time, a bard named Naoki Naoko, bore a personal grudge against the Tunsheian and Hamamoto herself. Inspired by the knowledge that the Tunsheian might be somehow involed in the murders, Naoki started a riot in the Second Quarter and blamed Hamamoto for all of the death. The mob eventually attacked and burned down the Temple of the Dark Goddess at his behest. Many died during the attack, including the head of the temple Shuichi Fuse. Of the three priests who worked under Shuichi, it was Ryobe Doi who assumed the leadership position next. The other two, Toin Nakamoto and Ima Mizushima set out to track down Naoki Naoko and recover the Gauntlet of the Arcane Key that he was carrying at the time.   In the weeks that followed, funding from the Gold Guild and contributions from the community helped to begin rebuilding the temple. Inspired by the message that to lose something is to pay tribute to Hamamoto, the newly repaired temple was renamed the Temple of the Lost.
Founding Date
Alternative Names
Temple of the Dark Goddess
Temple / Church
Parent Location
Included Locations
Shisho Ryobe Doi
Dark Shadow Toin Nakamoto
Shadow Ane
Shadow Haru
Watcher Ukon
Former Members
Shisho Shuichi Fuse (deceased)
Watcher Tori (deceased)
Dark Shadow Ima Mizushima (deceased)


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