ATF Agent

Upholding Law and Protecting Communities

The ATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives) Agent is a dedicated law enforcement professional entrusted with enforcing federal laws and regulations related to alcohol, tobacco, firearms, and explosives. ATF Agents play a critical role in maintaining public safety, preventing criminal activities, and safeguarding communities from illicit trade, illegal firearms, and dangerous explosives.
Prerequisites: Undergraduate Degree , No Prison Record

First Term:

Investigation 3
Observation 1
Slug Weapons 4 (Pistol)
Stealth 1
Unarmed Martial Arts 1
Pulling Strings: Arrest Powers, SWAT

Subsequent Terms:

Armed Martial Arts (cascade: Large Blade, Small Blade, Polearm, Club)
Computer Operation
Slug Weapons (Pistol or Riflie)
Pulling Strings: One of the following: Ceasefire, Fingerprinting or Search and Seizure

All Terms:

Contacts: One per term: Government or Criminal. On a 1D10 roll of 8+, this contact is foreign.
Promotion: 6+, +1 if EDU 7+
Resource Points: 2 per Term +1 if Promotion Rolled
Influence Type: Law Enforcement
Special: If more than one term is served, add +1 to Initiative

Special Adventure:

--A matter of National Security--
On a 1D10 roll of 6+
Pulling Strings: One of the following: Counterculture Friends, Intel File, Mobility, Random Surveillance or Stopping Investigations
Influence Type: Intelligence  

Impact and Importance:

  ATF Agents work diligently to prevent the illegal trafficking of firearms, which helps reduce violent crime rates and disrupt criminal organizations involved in the illicit firearms trade.
  Agents enforce regulations and conduct investigations related to explosives, ensuring compliance with safety protocols, preventing unlawful use, and protecting public spaces from the dangers posed by explosive devices.
  ATF Agents investigate and bring to justice those responsible for arson attacks and explosives-related crimes. Their expertise in fire investigations and explosive device analysis helps solve cases and prevent future incidents.
  ATF Agents ensure compliance with federal laws and regulations governing the sale, transfer, and possession of firearms, alcohol, and tobacco products. By enforcing these regulations, they contribute to public safety and prevent illicit activities.
  ATF Agents educate the public about responsible firearms ownership, safe storage, and proper handling techniques. By promoting firearms safety, they help prevent accidents and ensure responsible gun ownership practices.
  ATF Agents serve on the front lines of law enforcement, tackling complex investigations, and working tirelessly to uphold federal laws related to alcohol, tobacco, firearms, and explosives. Through their specialized knowledge, investigative skills, and dedication to public safety, they make a significant impact in protecting communities and preserving the integrity of the justice system.

Key Characteristics:

  • Specialized Expertise: ATF Agents possess specialized knowledge and expertise in investigating and enforcing laws pertaining to alcohol, tobacco, firearms, and explosives. They undergo extensive training in firearms identification, ballistics, forensic analysis, and regulatory compliance.
  • Enforcement and Investigations: ATF Agents conduct investigations to identify, track, and apprehend individuals involved in illegal firearms trafficking, explosives-related offenses, arson, and violations of federal regulations. They work closely with other law enforcement agencies, collect evidence, and build cases for prosecution.
  • Firearms and Explosives Knowledge: Agents have a deep understanding of firearms and explosives, including their mechanics, safe handling, and relevant legal requirements. They are proficient in identifying and tracing firearms used in crimes and possess expertise in explosive detection and response protocols.
  • Collaboration and Partnerships: ATF Agents collaborate with federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies, as well as international counterparts, to share intelligence, coordinate operations, and combat cross-border criminal activities. They work as part of multi-agency task forces to enhance effectiveness and maximize resources.
  • Undercover Operations and Surveillance: Agents may engage in undercover operations, posing as buyers or sellers to gather evidence against individuals involved in illegal firearms or explosives activities. They employ advanced surveillance techniques, monitor suspects, and gather intelligence to disrupt criminal networks.
  • Community Outreach and Education: ATF Agents engage in community outreach initiatives to raise awareness about firearms safety, regulatory compliance, and the dangers of illegal activities involving firearms and explosives. They collaborate with community leaders, organizations, and schools to educate the public and prevent firearm-related incidents.


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