
Masters of Physical Excellence

The athlete is a dedicated and highly skilled professional who excels in their chosen sport or physical discipline. With relentless training, unwavering discipline, and exceptional physical abilities, athletes push the boundaries of human performance, inspiring others with their remarkable feats and showcasing the power of the human body and spirit. They embody the pursuit of excellence, competition, and the joy of achieving peak physical condition.
Prerequisites: Constitution 7+ or Agility 7+ or Strength 7+

First Term:

Acrobatics 6
Medical (cascade: Diagnosis, Trauma Aid, Surgery) 2
Unarmed Martial Arts 2
Pulling Strings: Funding (1 Rank)

Subsequent Terms:

Muscle Transport (cascade: Skates, Skis, Wheels)
Thrown Weapon
Unarmed Martial Arts
Pulling Strings: one of the following: Attorney, Cheaper Vehicles, Front Page News, Safe House

All Terms:

Promotion: 6+, +1 if Cha 7+
Contacts: One Business, Journalist, Entertainment, Medical or Specialist (Acrobatics or Unarmed Martial Arts) per term. If a special adventure is rolled, one additional contact of any type. On a 1D10 roll of 10, the contact is foreign.
Pulling Strings: Funding (1 Rank per Term +1 if Promotion Rolled)
Influence Type: Civilian
Resource Points: 2 per Term +1 if Promotion is rolled
Other Effects: During each term as a athlete, any one physical attribute (STR, AGL, or CON) may be increased by 1 (up to a max of two above baseline)

Special Adventure:

On a 1D10 roll of 8+ (+1 for each Pass)
--Won Major Championship/Tournament or Signed Lucrative Contract--
Pulling Strings: Funding (1 Rank) or Press Credentials  

Impact and Importance:

Athletes captivate audiences around the world, captivating millions with their performances and inspiring individuals of all ages to engage in physical activity and pursue a healthy lifestyle. They break records, challenge societal norms, and ignite the spirit of competition. Athletes demonstrate the power of the human body and mind, showcasing the remarkable feats that can be achieved through determination, discipline, and dedication.
  Beyond their personal achievements, athletes promote community engagement, teamwork, and social cohesion. They serve as ambassadors for their sport and actively participate in philanthropic initiatives, giving back to their communities and using their influence to drive positive change.
  Athletes unite people across borders, cultures, and backgrounds, transcending differences and fostering a shared love for sports. Their performances evoke emotions, create lasting memories, and remind us of the indomitable spirit of the human quest for physical excellence.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Training and Conditioning: Athletes devote countless hours to training their bodies and honing their skills. They follow rigorous training regimens, focusing on strength, endurance, speed, agility, and technique specific to their sport. They maintain strict dietary and fitness routines to optimize their physical capabilities.
  • Skill Mastery: Athletes develop exceptional skills and techniques relevant to their sport. They practice precision, coordination, and timing to perform with flawless execution. Whether it's mastering a perfect golf swing, executing a graceful routine on the balance beam, or demonstrating unmatched agility on the soccer field, athletes continually strive for mastery.
  • Competitive Spirit: Athletes thrive in a competitive environment. They embrace the thrill of competition, pushing themselves to the limits and striving for victory. They exhibit resilience, mental toughness, and the ability to perform under pressure, channeling their drive to excel into achieving exceptional results.
  • Teamwork and Collaboration: Many athletes participate in team sports, necessitating effective teamwork and collaboration. They work closely with their teammates, understanding the dynamics of their sport and coordinating strategies to achieve shared objectives. Athletes excel in communication, supporting their teammates, and fostering a cohesive team spirit.
  • Sportsmanship and Integrity: Athletes uphold the principles of fair play, integrity, and respect. They demonstrate good sportsmanship, acknowledging the efforts of opponents and displaying grace in both victory and defeat. Athletes serve as role models, inspiring others through their dedication, humility, and respect for the rules and traditions of their sport.
  • Physical and Mental Resilience: Athletes possess remarkable physical resilience, enduring rigorous training, and overcoming physical challenges. They also develop mental fortitude, pushing past mental barriers, maintaining focus, and cultivating mental resilience to perform at their best, even in high-pressure situations.


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