CDC Scientist

Safeguarding Public Health Through Research and Expertise

The CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) Scientist is a dedicated professional specializing in the field of public health. Working within the renowned CDC, these scientists play a vital role in protecting communities, preventing disease outbreaks, and conducting groundbreaking research to advance public health knowledge.
Prerequisites: Doctorate in Chemistry or Biology Or Medical School

First Term:

Biology 2
Chemistry 2
Medical 2
Research 2
Pulling Strings: CDC Labs

Subsequent Terms:

Pulling Strings: One of the following: Dangerous Toxins, Dangerous Virus, Hidden Cures or Quarantine

All Terms:

Contacts: One per term: Government or Specialist (CDC Researcher) On a d10 roll of 8+ the contact is foreign.
Promotion: 7+, +1 if INT 7+
Resource Points: 2 per Term +1 if Promotion Rolled
Influence Type: Science and Research
Other Effects: Two secondary activities allowed per term

Special Adventure:

--Recruited for Project Starguard Xeno-Biology Reseach Division--
On a 1D10 roll of 7+
Pulling Strings: One of the following: Alien Technology, Ranch Analysis, Species Identification
Profession: Starguard  

Impact and Importance:

  Scientists contribute to disease prevention and control efforts by conducting research, developing prevention strategies, and providing guidance on vaccination programs, sanitation practices, and infection control measures.
  Scientists play a critical role in investigating disease outbreaks, identifying their causes, and implementing measures to prevent further spread. Their expertise helps save lives, protect vulnerable populations, and minimize the impact of outbreaks.
  Scientists drive public health research, exploring new methodologies, studying emerging diseases, and advancing scientific knowledge. Their discoveries inform public health policies, interventions, and treatment protocols, shaping the future of healthcare.
Scientists play a vital role in educating the public about health risks, disease prevention, and healthy behaviors. They communicate complex scientific information in accessible ways, empowering individuals to make informed decisions about their health and well-being.
  Scientists provide evidence-based recommendations that influence public health policies at local, national, and international levels. They advocate for policies that prioritize public health, address health disparities, and promote equitable access to healthcare.
  CDC Scientists serve as dedicated champions of public health, working tirelessly to protect communities, prevent diseases, and improve health outcomes. Through their expertise, research, and collaboration, they shape public health practices, policies, and interventions to ensure a healthier and safer future for all.

Key Characteristics:

  • Research and Epidemiology: CDC Scientists engage in extensive research to understand the causes, patterns, and transmission of diseases. They conduct epidemiological investigations, analyze data, and identify risk factors to inform disease prevention strategies and public health interventions.
  • Disease Surveillance and Outbreak Response: Scientists actively monitor disease trends and conduct surveillance to detect outbreaks or emerging threats. They collaborate with local, national, and international partners to track and respond to infectious diseases, ensuring rapid and effective containment measures.
  • Laboratory Expertise: CDC Scientists possess expertise in laboratory diagnostics and techniques. They conduct tests, analyze samples, and develop diagnostic tools to identify pathogens and understand their characteristics. Their work supports accurate diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases.
  • Policy Development and Guidance: Scientists contribute to the development of evidence-based policies, guidelines, and recommendations that inform public health practices. They collaborate with government agencies, healthcare providers, and community organizations to disseminate information and ensure effective implementation of health measures.
  • Risk Assessment and Mitigation: CDC Scientists assess the risks associated with various public health threats, including infectious diseases, environmental hazards, and bioterrorism. They evaluate exposure levels, analyze data, and develop strategies to mitigate risks and protect public health.
  • Emergency Response: Scientists play a crucial role in emergency response efforts during public health crises. They provide expert guidance, coordinate response activities, and communicate vital information to the public, healthcare professionals, and policymakers to ensure a rapid and coordinated response.


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