
Masters of Negotiation and Mediation

The diplomat is a skilled professional who navigates the complex world of international relations, diplomacy, and negotiation. Serving as a bridge between nations, cultures, and organizations, diplomats play a crucial role in fostering cooperation, resolving conflicts, and advancing mutual understanding. With their astute diplomatic skills and cultural awareness, they uphold the principles of diplomacy and work tirelessly to maintain peace, build alliances, and promote the interests of their respective nations.
Prerequisites: Charisma 6+

First Term:

Act/Bluff 1
Admin/Legal 2
Carousing 1
Language 2
Persuasion 4
Pulling Strings: Governmental Access

Subsequent Terms:

Pulling Strings: One of the following: City Hall Archives, Ear to the Ground, Front Page News, Mobility, NGA Support, NMID Support, Safe House, Security Protocols, Stopping Investigations

All Terms:

Contacts: Two Government contacts per term. On a 1D10 roll of 6+, the contact is foreign.
Promotion: 6+, +1 if EDU 7+
Resource Points: 1 per Term +1 if Promotion Rolled
Influence Type: Civilian

Special Adventure:

--One mans Terrorist is another mans Freedom Fighter--
On a 1D10 roll of 8+
Slug Weapons (pistol)
Pulling Strings: One of the following: Accomplices, Chop Shops, Counterculture Friends, Criminal Resources, Dangerous Toxins
Contacts: One Criminal. On a 1D10 roll of 6+, the contact is foreign.
Influence Type: Criminal  

Impact and Importance:

Diplomats act as essential conduits for international collaboration, facilitating dialogue, resolving conflicts, and forging agreements that shape the course of global affairs. Their efforts contribute to maintaining peace, promoting trade, advancing human rights, and addressing global challenges, ultimately fostering greater understanding and cooperation among nations.
  Whether working in bilateral or multilateral contexts, diplomats employ their skills, knowledge, and diplomatic acumen to navigate the complexities of international relations, seeking diplomatic solutions and promoting mutual interests while upholding the principles of diplomacy and respect.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Negotiation and Mediation: Diplomats possess exceptional negotiation skills, capable of finding common ground and facilitating mutually beneficial agreements. They excel in mediating disputes, employing diplomacy and tact to bridge differences and forge consensus among diverse parties.
  • Communication and Diplomatic Language: Effective communication lies at the heart of diplomacy, and diplomats are proficient in the art of conveying complex ideas and policies clearly and persuasively. They employ diplomatic language and protocol to ensure their messages are received with respect and understanding.
  • Cultural Intelligence: Diplomats are adept at navigating cultural nuances, customs, and traditions, allowing them to build rapport and establish meaningful connections with individuals from different backgrounds. Their cultural intelligence enables them to understand and appreciate diverse perspectives, fostering dialogue and fostering a sense of mutual respect.
  • Policy Analysis and Strategy: Diplomats possess a comprehensive understanding of national policies, international law, and geopolitical dynamics. They analyze and interpret complex issues, providing policymakers with informed insights and recommendations to shape diplomatic strategies.
  • Conflict Resolution: Diplomats are skilled in managing and resolving conflicts. They apply diplomatic techniques, such as shuttle diplomacy and quiet diplomacy, to de-escalate tensions, mediate disputes, and seek peaceful resolutions to conflicts, promoting stability and harmony.
  • Representation and Networking: Diplomats represent their nations or organizations abroad, serving as official representatives in diplomatic missions, embassies, or consulates. They establish and nurture networks of contacts, engaging with foreign officials, diplomats, and international organizations to foster cooperation and build alliances.
  • Protocol and Etiquette: Diplomats are well-versed in diplomatic protocol and etiquette. They understand the intricacies of diplomatic ceremonies, official functions, and diplomatic immunity, ensuring that interactions conform to established norms and diplomatic decorum.


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