
Masters of Performance and Captivating Audiences

The entertainer is a skilled professional who delights audiences with their captivating performances, bringing joy, inspiration, and emotional connection to people's lives. Whether on stage, screen, or in various entertainment mediums, entertainers possess a unique ability to transport audiences into a world of imagination, laughter, and awe-inspiring experiences.
Prerequisites: Charisma 8+

First Term:

Act/Bluff 4
Disguise 1
Observation 1
Persuasion 2
Psychology 1
Song 1
Pulling Strings: Funding (1 Rank)

Subsequent Terms:

Small Watercraft
Vehicle Use (Motorcycle or Wheeled)
Pulling Strings: One of the following: Attorney, Counterculture Friends, Cheaper Vehicles, Funding (1 Rank), Mobility, Press Credeitials or Safe House

All Terms:

Contacts: One per term: One per term. On a d10 roll of 8+, the contact is in Government; otherwise, it is in Entertainment. If it is entertainment, on a 1D10 of 8+, it is foreign .
Promotion: 6+, +1 INT 7+
Resource Points: 2 per Term +1 if Promotion Rolled
Pulling Strings: Funding (1 rank per term, +1 rank if promotion is rolled)
Influence Type: Civilian
Other Effect: At the refereeā€™s option, random NPCs may recognize the character as a favorite performer.

Special Adventure:

--Became an Action Film Star--
On a 1D10 roll of 8+
Armed Martial Arts (cascade: Large Blade, Small Blade, Polearm, Club)
Slug Weapons (cascade: Slug Pistol, Slug Rifle)
Thrown Weapon
Unarmed Martial Arts  

Impact and Importance:

  Entertainers play a significant role in society, providing much-needed escape, inspiration, and shared moments of joy. Their performances offer solace, laughter, and emotional connection, serving as a means of catharsis and relaxation for audiences. Entertainers contribute to the cultural fabric of a society, preserving traditions and pushing the boundaries of creativity.
  Beyond entertainment, performers hold the power to influence and educate. They shed light on social issues, provoke thought, and promote positive change through their performances. Entertainers can amplify marginalized voices, challenge societal norms, and create empathy by portraying diverse characters and telling stories that resonate with diverse audiences.
  Moreover, entertainers contribute to the economy by generating revenue through ticket sales, merchandise, and ancillary industries related to entertainment. They create employment opportunities for a wide range of professionals, from producers and directors to technicians and stage crew members.

Key Characteristics:

  • Artistic Talent: Entertainers are gifted with artistic talent in various forms such as acting, singing, dancing, comedy, or musical instrument mastery. They hone their craft through dedicated practice, training, and continuous exploration of their chosen art form.
  • Stage Presence and Charisma: Entertainers possess an undeniable stage presence and charismatic persona that captivate audiences. They have a magnetic quality that draws people in, commanding attention and creating a strong connection between themselves and those watching.
  • Versatility and Adaptability: Entertainers demonstrate versatility, adapting their skills to various performance settings. They are adept at engaging audiences in different genres, whether it be theater, film, music concerts, television shows, comedy clubs, or live events.
  • Storytelling and Expressive Communication: Entertainers excel in the art of storytelling, using their expressive abilities to convey narratives, emotions, and messages. They evoke laughter, tears, suspense, or empathy, leaving a lasting impact on the hearts and minds of their audiences.
  • Audience Engagement: Entertainers have a deep understanding of their audience's desires and preferences. They know how to engage and connect with diverse crowds, creating an interactive experience that immerses viewers in the performance. Entertainers thrive on the energy and reactions of their audience.
  • Professionalism and Resilience: Entertainers exhibit professionalism in their craft, consistently delivering high-quality performances even under challenging circumstances. They possess resilience, overcoming obstacles, and adapting to unforeseen situations to ensure the show goes on.


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