ICE Agent

Combating Transnational Crime and Safeguarding Border Security

The ICE (U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement) Special Agent is a highly skilled law enforcement professional dedicated to enforcing federal laws related to immigration, customs, and border security. These agents play a crucial role in combating transnational crime, protecting national security, and ensuring public safety.
Prerequisites: Undergraduate Degree, Intelligence 6+, Charisma 6+

First Term:

Commission: 9+, +1 if EDU 7+, +1 if INT 8+. A commission makes the character a Special Agent otherwise character is an Investigator
Admin/Legal 1
Computer Operation 1
Investigation 2
Interrogation 2
Observation 1
Slug Weapons 2 (Pistol)
Streetwise 1
(Special Agent) Psychology 1
(Special Agent) Stalking 1
(Special Agent) Stealth 1
(Special Agent) Willpower 1
Pulling Strings: Arrest Powers, Border Control

Subsequent Terms:

Commission: 7+, +1 if INT 8+, +1 if CHA 8+
Computer Operation
Slug Weapons (cascade: Slug Pistol, Slug Rifle)
(Special Agent) Psychology
(Special Agent) Stalking
(Special Agent) Stealth
(Special Agent) Willpower
Pulling Strings: One of the following: Ceasefire, Customs Analysis, Criminal Tracking, Intel File, Vehicle Check, (Special Agent) Search and Seizure

All Terms:

Contacts: One per term: Government or Intelligence Community. On a 1D10 roll of 8+, this contact is foreign.
Promotion: 6+, +1 if EDU 7+
Pulling Strings: If promoted, one of the following: Intelligence Agency Control or Project Oversight
Resource Points: 1 per Term +1 if Promotion Rolled
Influence Types: Intelligence

Special Assignment:

On a 1D10 roll of 7+
--Not the Normal ALiens You See, Not the Normal Contraband Either--
Energy Weapons
Foreboding (if Empathy 1+)
Pulling Strings: Species Identification  

Impact and Importance:

  Agents play a vital role in securing the nation's borders, preventing illegal entry, and deterring smuggling activities. Their efforts contribute to maintaining the integrity of the immigration system and protecting national security.
  Special Agents target transnational criminal organizations involved in drug trafficking, human smuggling, and other illicit activities that threaten public safety. By dismantling these criminal networks, they protect communities and disrupt the flow of illicit goods and dangerous individuals.
  Agents combat human trafficking and smuggling, working to identify and rescue victims while prosecuting those responsible. Their efforts help protect vulnerable populations, including women and children, from exploitation and abuse.
  ICE Special Agents enforce laws related to intellectual property rights, investigating and combating the trafficking of counterfeit goods that harm the economy and pose risks to consumer safety.
  Agents address cybercrimes, intellectual property theft, and financial crimes that impact national security and the economy. Their expertise in digital forensics and financial investigations aids in prosecuting individuals involved in these offenses.
  ICE Special Agents exemplify dedication to enforcing federal laws, protecting national security, and promoting public safety. Through their specialized skills, extensive investigations, and collaborative approach, they contribute to maintaining the integrity of the immigration system and safeguarding the United States and its citizens.

Key Characteristics and Traits:

  • Immigration Enforcement: ICE Special Agents enforce immigration laws, investigating cases related to visa violations, human smuggling, human trafficking, and illegal entry into the United States. They work to identify, apprehend, and remove individuals who pose a threat to public safety or violate immigration laws.
  • Customs and Trade Investigations: Agents investigate cross-border smuggling of contraband, including drugs, firearms, counterfeit goods, and illicit financial transactions. They collaborate with international partners, conduct undercover operations, and employ sophisticated techniques to disrupt criminal networks involved in customs violations.
  • Homeland Security Investigations: Special Agents conduct investigations related to national security, counterterrorism, and cybercrime. They work to identify and disrupt individuals or groups involved in activities that pose a threat to the United States, including terrorism financing, weapons smuggling, and cyber-attacks.
  • Transnational Criminal Organizations: Agents target transnational criminal organizations involved in drug trafficking, human smuggling, money laundering, and other illicit activities. They coordinate with other law enforcement agencies, domestically and internationally, to dismantle these criminal networks and disrupt their operations.
  • Enforcement and Removal Operations: Special Agents participate in enforcement and removal operations, apprehending and detaining individuals who have violated immigration laws or have orders of removal. They ensure compliance with immigration laws and contribute to maintaining border security.
  • Investigative Techniques and Collaboration: ICE Special Agents employ advanced investigative techniques, including undercover operations, surveillance, and forensic analysis. They collaborate with federal, state, local, and international law enforcement agencies to share intelligence, coordinate operations, and enhance the effectiveness of investigations.


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