INR Agent

Pursuing Knowledge for National Security

The INR (Bureau of Intelligence and Research) Agent is a highly skilled intelligence professional specializing in gathering, analyzing, and disseminating crucial information to support U.S. foreign policy and national security objectives. Working within the Bureau of Intelligence and Research, these agents serve as the backbone of intelligence analysis, providing insights and assessments to inform decision-making at the highest levels.
Prerequisites: Undergraduate Degree, Intelligence 6+, Computer Operation 3+

First Term:

Field Agent Skills:
Admin/Legal 2
Investigation 2
Research 2
Analyst Computer Operation 2
Analyst Research 2
  Field Agent Language 2
Field Agent Observation 1
Field Agent Streetwise 1
Pulling Strings: Security Protocols

Subsequent Terms:

Analyst Computer Operation
Analyst Cryptography
  Field Agent Observation
Field AgentStreetwise
Pulling Strings: One of the Following: “Blanket” Wiretaps, Mobility, Official Agendas

All Terms:

Contacts: One per term: Government or Intelligence Community. On a 1D10 roll of 8+, this contact is foreign.
Promotion: 6+, +1 if EDU 7+
Pulling Strings: If promoted, one of the following: Intelligence Agency Control or Project Oversight
Resource Points: 1 per Term +1 if Promotion Rolled
Influence Types: Intelligence

Special Assignment:

On a 1D10 roll of 7+
Foreboding (if Empathy 1+)
Pulling Strings: One of the following: MHIC-EDOM, Mind Control Drugs  

Impact and Importance:

  INR Agents provide decision-makers with accurate, timely, and objective intelligence assessments, enabling them to make well-informed choices that align with national security priorities and advance U.S. interests on the global stage.
  Agents contribute to the formulation of U.S. foreign policy by providing insights on regional dynamics, emerging trends, and potential threats. Their assessments help policymakers navigate complex international challenges and identify opportunities for collaboration.
  INR Agents assist in identifying potential conflicts, analyzing their root causes, and recommending strategies to prevent or resolve them peacefully. Their work contributes to stability, peacekeeping efforts, and conflict resolution initiatives.
  Agents provide diplomatic missions with essential intelligence support, enhancing the effectiveness of U.S. diplomats abroad. They offer insights into host country politics, assist in negotiation strategies, and provide risk assessments to ensure the safety of diplomatic personnel.
  Agents provide rapid and accurate intelligence assessments during crises, such as natural disasters, political upheavals, or terrorist incidents. Their work supports crisis response efforts, aids in decision-making, and enhances the effectiveness of U.S. government interventions.
  INR Agents serve as the foundation of intelligence analysis within the Bureau of Intelligence and Research. Through their expertise, research, and collaboration, they ensure that policymakers have the necessary insights to navigate the complexities of the global landscape and protect national security interests.

Key Characteristics :

  Analytical Expertise: INR Agents possess exceptional analytical skills, enabling them to process vast amounts of information from diverse sources. They excel in evaluating complex geopolitical dynamics, assessing foreign policy implications, and identifying potential threats and opportunities. Research and Reporting: Agents conduct in-depth research on a wide range of topics, including political, economic, and social factors impacting global affairs. They produce comprehensive reports and assessments that distill complex information into actionable intelligence for policymakers and diplomats. Regional and Cultural Expertise: INR Agents develop deep knowledge of specific regions, countries, or issues critical to U.S. foreign policy. They understand the nuances of cultures, historical contexts, and geopolitical landscapes, enabling them to provide informed insights and context to decision-makers. Information Collection and Evaluation: Agents employ a variety of methods to collect information, including open-source intelligence, diplomatic cables, human intelligence, and analysis of classified materials. They critically evaluate sources for credibility, assess biases, and corroborate information to ensure accuracy. Interagency Collaboration: INR Agents work closely with other intelligence agencies, foreign partners, and U.S. government departments to share information, coordinate efforts, and provide timely and relevant intelligence. They contribute to interagency task forces and participate in intelligence community initiatives. Strategic Assessments and Forecasting: Agents contribute to strategic assessments and long-term forecasting, helping shape U.S. foreign policy objectives. They provide insights into emerging trends, potential risks, and opportunities, assisting decision-makers in formulating effective strategies.


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