
Lifesaving First Responders

Paramedics are highly skilled and dedicated medical professionals who provide critical emergency medical care in a pre-hospital setting. They play a vital role in the healthcare system, delivering immediate medical assistance to patients in need and helping to stabilize their conditions during emergencies.
Prerequisites: Technical School, Medical 2+

First Term:

Biology 2
Computer Operation 2
Medical (cascade: Diagnosis, Trauma Aid, Surgery) 3
Vehicle Use (Wheeled) 3
Pulling Strings: Medical Support

Subsequent Terms:

Computer Operation
Human Empathy (if Empathy 1+)
Medical (cascade: Diagnosis, Trauma Aid, Surgery)
Pilot (Rotary)
Vehicle Use (Wheeled)
Pulling Strings: One of the following: CDC Labs, Chemical Stores, Dangerous Toxins, Dangerous Virus, Hidden Cures, Quarantine

All Terms:

Contacts: One per term: Medical. On a 1D10 roll of 10, the contact is foreign.
Promotion: 7+, +1 if EDU 6+
Resource Points: 1 per Term
Influence Type: Civilian

Special Adventure:

--Clandestine Transport--
On a 1D10 roll of 8+
Slug Weapons (Pistol)
Influence Type: Criminal
Pulling Strings: One of the following: Accomplices, Criminal Resources, Safe House  

Impact and Importance:

  Paramedics play a vital role in the healthcare system, often serving as the first point of contact for patients in emergency situations. Their swift response, medical expertise, and ability to deliver life-saving interventions can significantly impact patient outcomes, improving the chances of survival and minimizing the long-term effects of injuries or illnesses.
  Paramedics are instrumental in stabilizing patients' conditions before they reach a hospital, ensuring they receive appropriate care during the critical moments following an emergency. Their ability to think quickly, assess situations accurately, and initiate necessary treatments can be the difference between life and death in many instances.
  In addition to their primary role in emergency response, paramedics also contribute to public health initiatives, community education, and injury prevention efforts. They play a crucial role in raising awareness about safety measures, conducting training sessions, and collaborating with other healthcare professionals to enhance emergency medical services.
  The work of paramedics requires resilience, physical stamina, and a deep commitment to serving others during challenging circumstances. Their dedication to providing immediate medical care and comfort to those in need demonstrates the highest standards of professionalism, compassion, and service to their communities.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Emergency Medical Response: Paramedics are trained to respond quickly to emergency calls, often arriving at the scene of accidents, medical crises, or other life-threatening situations. They assess patients, prioritize care, and administer appropriate medical interventions to stabilize their conditions.
  • Medical Assessment and Triage: Paramedics conduct thorough assessments of patients' medical conditions, gathering information about symptoms, vital signs, and medical histories. They perform rapid triage, determining the severity of injuries or illnesses to prioritize care and allocate resources effectively.
  • Emergency Medical Interventions: Paramedics are trained in a range of life-saving procedures and interventions. They may administer medications, provide advanced airway management, perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), apply splints or bandages, and use specialized equipment to support patients' respiratory and cardiovascular functions.
  • Communication and Collaboration: Paramedics maintain effective communication with patients, their families, and other healthcare professionals. They relay crucial medical information to hospital personnel, providing a seamless transition of care and ensuring continuity in patients' treatment.
  • Crisis Management and Decision-Making: Paramedics excel in managing high-stress situations, making critical decisions quickly and effectively. They remain calm and composed in chaotic environments, adapting their strategies as situations evolve to provide the best possible care under challenging circumstances.
  • Compassion and Emotional Support: Paramedics offer compassion and emotional support to patients and their loved ones during times of crisis. They provide reassurance, address concerns, and offer comfort, demonstrating empathy and understanding throughout the treatment process.


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