
Advocating for Public Interests and Guiding Policy

The politician profession encompasses individuals who engage in public service and hold positions of leadership and decision-making within governmental bodies. Politicians are elected or appointed representatives who work to shape policies, enact laws, and address the needs and concerns of the communities they serve.
Prerequisites: Charisma 8+

First Term:

Leadership 4
Persuasion 6
Pulling Strings: City Hall Archives, Funding (1 Rank)

Subsequent Terms:

Pulling Strings: Funding (1 Rank), One of the following: Asset Forfeiture, Border Control, Cheaper Vehicles, Ear to the Ground, Front Page News, Governmental Access, Grants, Safe House, Search and Seizure, Security Protocols, Stopping Investigation or Translators

All Terms:

Contacts: Three per term, Journalist, Government or Military. On a 1D10 roll of 7+, the contact is foreign.
Resource Points: 2 per Term
Influence Type: Civilian

Special Adventure:

--Plausible Deniability--
On a 1D10 roll of 5+
Pulling Strings: One of the following: Accomplices, Chop Shops or Criminal Resources
Influence Type: Criminal  

Impact and Importance:

  Politicians play a crucial role in the democratic process, shaping policies and representing the interests of their constituents. Their decisions and actions impact communities, influencing legislation, public services, and the overall governance of a nation or region.
  Politicians have the power to drive societal change, address pressing issues, and promote social justice. They have the ability to advance causes such as education, healthcare, environmental sustainability, and economic development. Through their leadership, politicians contribute to the improvement of quality of life and the advancement of societal well-being.
  Effective politicians foster inclusivity, diversity, and representation, ensuring that all voices are heard and considered. They promote democratic values, protect civil liberties, and strive for equality and justice for all members of society. Politicians engage in dialogue, bridge divides, and work towards consensus-building to achieve collective goals.
  Moreover, politicians serve as role models and inspire future generations to engage in public service, shaping the next wave of leaders and decision-makers. Their work influences the political landscape and contributes to the long-term development and prosperity of nations.

Key Characteristics:

  • Public Service Orientation: Politicians are driven by a strong commitment to public service and the betterment of society. They are dedicated to representing the interests and aspirations of their constituents and working towards the common good.
  • Policy Development and Advocacy: Politicians engage in policy development and advocacy, analyzing societal issues, proposing solutions, and promoting legislation that aligns with their political beliefs and the needs of their constituents. They champion causes, advance agendas, and negotiate compromises to create effective policies.
  • Communication and Public Speaking: Politicians possess strong communication skills and the ability to articulate their ideas, policies, and vision effectively. They engage in public speaking, debates, and media interactions to convey their messages, build support, and connect with their constituents.
  • Leadership and Decision-Making: Politicians provide leadership within legislative bodies or executive positions, making critical decisions and guiding policy development. They navigate complex political landscapes, balance competing interests, and exercise judgment in shaping the direction of government.
  • Constituent Engagement: Politicians engage with their constituents, actively seeking input, listening to concerns, and addressing community needs. They establish open lines of communication, hold public meetings, and engage in grassroots initiatives to maintain close ties with the communities they represent.
  • Ethics and Integrity: Politicians are expected to uphold high ethical standards and act with integrity in their roles. They are accountable to the public, demonstrating transparency, honesty, and a commitment to serving the best interests of their constituents rather than personal gain.


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