Tomb of Annihilation - Session 16

General Summary

The adventurers' brazen escape from the dungeons of Fort Tajar in the middle of the night leaves only confusion in their wake. However they are quickly reminded of the unforgiving nature of the jungle as they try to orient themselves in the darkness outside the walls of the fortress. After conferring amongst themselves for a few minutes, they begin to travel in the direction they believe to be southwest. By morning, they have the foreboding sense that the coming days will become increasingly unpleasant.

In the daylight they find that they are not far from the well-marked trail that leads from the fort to the western shore. In the distance, they hear a patrol heading up the road towards Fort Tajar. Acting quickly, they manage to conceal themselves from the patrol as it passes. Deciding not to risk encountering more patrols, they change course, heading southward and away from the trail.

At high sun the heat has become almost unbearable. Despite their combined survival skills, foraging for food and potable water proves difficult. That night their rest is troubled by empty stomachs and parched throats. In particular, Dunch experiences the effects of heat exhaustion, feeling like he has been cooked alive inside Nyemba's Might.

The next day they break free from the jungle, stepping on to the strip of grassland that separates the jungle from Marakuru Bay. Continuing to the southwest, they hug the treeline to avoid being spotted by any ships going to or from Tajar Landing. A few hours after high sun, Dunch gets the sudden feeling that they are being watched by something close by. They quickly scramble to hide in the jungle, but after nearly ten minutes of stillness they see no sign of man or beast.

By nightfall they have covered many miles, but the ravages of thirst weigh heavily upon them. Searching for a place to rest and hide, they stumble upon a rocky outcropping that holds a small reservoir of collected rainwater. They eye each other wearily, knowing that the water could very well be tainted, and would be risky to consume. But they also fear that another day with no water could be disastrous, as dehydration has already noticeably slowed their pace. Deciding to take the risk, they all drink deep. While warm, the water is still refreshing. Fortunately for Dunch and Chibuzo, it is enough to temporarily slake their thirst. Ixtli, however, finds no respite from his exhaustion.

The following morning, they continue their trek across the savannah. Ixtli’s dehydration takes its toll as he finds it difficult to keep pace. Thankfully, his training allows him to naturally move faster than most people, and while the group loses some speed, they know it could be much worse.

By midday, the lizardfolk informs the others that he can 'taste' the ocean, telling them that their need to keep moving may be nearing its end. A few hours later, they spot the shore and Chibuzo and Ixtli both point to a location that would be ideal for watching for the Brazen Pegasus. Moving in that direction, Chibuzo suddenly stops and shouts in delight. He gestures at a small copse of palm trees that seem to be surrounding a small spring.

Approaching the grove, they are relieved to find that Chibuzo was correct. A small pool lies at the centre of the shaded area, bubbling gently. As the three of them take turns drinking from the pool, Ixtli notices that the grove also seems to be the home of a nest of yahcha: harmless, meaty beetles about the size of a human hand. Without hesitation, the lizardfolk scoops up one of them and bites into it. He offers another to Dunch and Chibuzo who look at him with a mixture of bewilderment and disgust. "If you are not interested, it just means more for me," he proclaims. After some hesitation, Dunch looks to Chibuzo and says with a grimace: "Just one; tomorrow I’m going hunting for something—anything—else."

On the morning of the fourth day, the three of them spend several hours at the beach attempting to catch some fish. Chibuzo manages to skewer one with Atsu's Lance as does Ixtli with the Blood Spear. Their bounty is cooked over the fire that Dunch had managed to start. Later, as the sun begins to set, Dunch—using the far-seeing powers of Nyemba’s Might—spots a ship out in the bay which he quickly identifies as the Brazen Pegasus. Calling Chibuzo and Ixtli over, they decide to signal the ship using the Gem of Brightness. Within a half-hour, the ship draws closer and a rowboat is seen being lowered into the water. Another half-hour passes and they find themselves aboard, greeted by Captain Radovich.

"This is one hell of a stunt you boys have pulled off. We’ve been searching the shoreline for the last day or so and—to be frank—I wasn’t expecting to find you," the captain says incredulously. "Well, let’s get you back to civilization." The captain turns to address his men but then looks back and adds: “Something’s going on back in Nyanzaru. I’m not sure what it is, but there are some… powerful people interested in talking to you." Radovich orders the ship to come about, and the still-undermanned crew obeys.

Staring out into the bay as the Brazen Pegasus surges forward, a chill washes over Chibuzo as he feels the hair on the back of his neck stand on end. What awaits in Port Nyanzaru?

Upon teleporting back to the Temple of Zann with the rescued prisoners, Dolan locates Grandfather Zitembe, who welcomes them warmly. It's agreed that the prisoners will stay in the Temple for the time being.

Other than Yemi, Saadia, and Elmar, Polo and the two other former prisoners have similar stories: they'd each gone to Fort Tajar some months ago to work as labourers, then been falsely accused of theft and imprisoned. Dolan recruits them to serve the Kimbala, and sets them to work cleaning and restoring the shrine.

Elmar is thankful for the rescue, but warns that they are not safe. Rashaad is a powerful man, and has a crystal ball capable of scrying on them at any time, though they may be able to sense him observing them. The snake-armed priest they encountered in Fort Tajar was a yuan-ti, attempting a sacrifice to one of their deities, Dendar the Night Serpent. Rashaad has some connection to them, and Elmar suspects that there are more of them about who are less conspicuous. Yuan-ti are said to have been humans who mixed their blood with the naga in the distant past. They originated in Hisari, but at some point migrated to Omu.

After sending word to Captain Radovich and the Brazen Pegasus to arrange retrieval of the other three adventurers, Dolan meets with Gero to fill him in. The historian is surprised to meet Saadia, but doubtful that the Merchant Princes will take any action against Rashaad; they rule the city, but outside the walls the laws of the jungle prevail. Nor does he expect Chibuzo's "ridiculous" proclamation or the assault on Saja N'baza to spur them to action. "They won't care that Rashaad attacked a monster out in the jungle somewhere. No offence attended."

While waiting for the others to return, Dolan also visits the Temple of the Maker to check on General Voss. Nera Blacktyde tells him that, though physically better, the old man seems broken in spirit, and has been drinking heavily.

He returns to the Temple of Zann to find four soldiers waiting for him, wearing gilded, red-dyed armour. These are members of the elite guard of the Merchant Princes, the Dore Kvanga. Their leader asks for Chibuzo's whereabouts, and commands that Dolan stay at the Temple until his companions return. The Merchant Princes would like to speak to them.

Back aboard the Brazen Pegasus, Chibuzo relates to the others that he has had a vision of his grandfather's soul in jeopardy. It's imperative that they return to the Tomb of the Sky Kings in Mbala as soon as possible.

While the ship sails back to the city, they investigate the ledger that Chibuzo retrieved from the dungeons. It contains hundreds of names, with dates stretching back to the peak of the Nizamish occupation and the construction of the Temple of Zann. Chibuzo recognizes a few of the more recent names as belonging to people who had disappeared from the city. Some of the names have a blue triangle inscribed next to them, including Polo, the intended sacrifice.

As twilight falls, Port Nyanzaru heaves into view ahead. Captain Radovich calls Dunch aside for a private talk. He's been ordered to bring the three of them to the Royal Docks and hand them over to the Merchant Princes, with the seizure of his ship threatened if he doesn't comply. But Dunch is like a brother to him. He offers to let his former first mate and his companions off the ship elsewhere.

Knowing that the ship still lacks the crew needed for a long voyage, and unwilling to become a fugitive from Port Nyanzaru, Dunch declines the offer. But he asks Radovich to take and hide Shago's ring, and to sell it (elsewhere) if they don't return.

When the Brazen Pegasus pulls into the Royal Docks, it's met by half a dozen members of the Dore Kvanga. "Merchant Prince Zanthi Tadala and some of the others have questions for you," their leader declares. Dunch, Chibuzo, and Ixtli are escorted to her villa on Throne Hill.

Once inside, the adventurers pass through an atrium containing exotic plants, suits of gold-plated armour, and the bejewelled skulls of the Tadala ancestors. In an adjacent sitting room, a woman—apparently the steward of the house—examines them, pronouncing them filthy. They are taken to bathe, given simple robes to wear, and provided with food and drink. Meanwhile, members of the Dore Kvanga retrieve Dolan, Saadia, and Grandfather Zitembe from the Temple of Zann, as well as Gero from the O'tamu estate.

All are brought to an opulent office on the second floor of the Tadala villa, with several chairs arranged in a circle facing a desk. Grandfather Zitembe, Saadia, and Gero are invited to sit on one side of the room, while the adventurers pointedly are not, remaining standing in the centre. Eventually four of the Merchant Princes enter: Wakanga O'tamu, with a concerned look on his face; an annoyed, middle-aged man wearing a fez-like cap whom Chibuzo recognizes as Ifan Talro'a; a statuesque woman with a scarred face, Ekene-Afa, who parlayed her success as a gladiator into political power; and a short, regal-looking woman in her 70s, Zanthi Tadala. Carrying a box with her, she sits behind the desk and regards Chibuzo frostily. "Why have you chosen to stoke tensions between the Nizamish and Marakurans in our city?" Chibuzo's posters have caused strife in the city over the past several days.

After bowing deeply and respectfully, Chibuzo explains that the al-Tahir assault on their expedition, the casualties they suffered, and the threat of the accelerating Death Curse compelled him to act. "We need to unshackle ourselves from Nizamish influence, and free ourselves from those who wish to subjugate us."

"All well and good," Zanthi says, "but your actions have caused violence to erupt in our streets." There have been multiple assaults on Nizamish, and one of Ifan's business partners was murdered by people crying out, 'For the Kimbala!' "I visited the temple as a child," she continues. "Are not all One in the Cycle?" Chibuzo admits that it is so.

Ifan rises from his chair in anger. "He owes restitution! My business partners have suffered? What will he do to compensate them and me? Will the Asturian merchants need to be worried next? Your cult is ridiculous."

Chibuzo grimaces. "My actions... were rash. A reaction from the stress and emotion of the events on our journey. Violence is not the way of the Kimbala. This was not my intent." He offers to speak to the people to calm them. "But this is the result of my actions alone. My companions were not involved."

Ifan takes the opportunity to rant at length about the losses suffered by himself and his business partners—at least 1000 gold in damages, with the loss of life on top of that—until Ekene-Afa tells him to shut up and sit down. "We will deal with the material costs later."

Zanthi asks Chibuzo to recount the story of the expedition. When his tale comes to Mbala and Sayid al-Qaar's attack on their camp, Chibuzo says that even though Shago accompanied Sayid, he was taken aback by the slaughter inflicted by the fireball. But then Chibuzo was engulfed by the noxious cloud; and when he emerged, Shago was dead.

"Sayid tells a different story," Zanthi says. "That you attacked his party. I heard this story from Sayid when he returned Shago to me." She lays her hand on the box.

"He lies," Chibuzo states flatly.

After appraising Chibuzo for a moment, Zanthi sighs. "I knew the risk that my son would not return home when he left alongside Rashaad's men. Your words confirm my beliefs about Rashaad's motives."

The discussion turns back to the attack on the Ravengard Expedition. Ifan is dismissive. "The Red Law states that people take their lives in their own hands outside the city. We mourn their loss, but they knew the risks when they left the city walls."

But, Ixtli says, Rashaad has not just attacked outside the walls. He has abducted people from Port Nyanzaru itself—Yemi, as well as Elmar—and taken them to be tortured and sacrificed.

"I can attest to this," Saadia proclaims. "At my brother's command, terrible things have been done to the people of this city."

Suddenly the adventurers hear a voice from behind them. "Am I to be tried without representation?"

Turning, they see that the enrobed figure of Rashaad ibn Karim al-Tahir has materialized in their midst. "I wouldn't dream of it," Chibuzo answers.

"Excellent," the wizard responds crisply. "We are all civilized here."

"At least in front of witnesses," Dolan ripostes.

Rashaad denies having harmed anyone of Port Nyanzaru, even as Saadia denounces him as a murderer. As for his attack on Saja N'baza, this was no crime by the laws of the city. He smugly refuses to answer their questions about why he seeks the Black Opal Crown: "We all serve someone. The master I serve desires the Crown. That is all you need to know." But, he adds, "my master has permitted me to offer this. Return the crown to me in 30 days," and Rashaad will see that the people they "lost" in the jungle are turned safely. "Beyond that, no guarantees."

"It's the yuan-ti whom you serve," Ixtli accuses him. "In time you'll deliver this city to them."

Rashaad frowns. "This land is theirs. They will take it back. I've merely aligned myself with the winning side."

Zanthi Tadala rises from behind her desk. "I've heard enough," she proclaims. "You are not welcome in the city. If you or your servants are found here, you will be arrested and thrown in the Run."

Rashaad looks at her with disdain. "Very well. But my offer still stands." He vanishes abruptly.

"Perhaps now you understand my actions better," Chibuzo says.

"I understand why you did what you did," Zanthi replies, "but that does not excuse it." She speaks the judgment of the Merchant Princes: Chibuzo's proclamations have been ordered to be taken down, and he will need to address restitution. Chibuzo agrees.

More discussion follows regarding the Crown and Rashaad's deeds. The ledger from the Fort Tajar dungeons is brought out for the Merchant Princes to examine. Several of them recognize the names of the disappeared. Wakanga points to the blue triangle next to certain names: this was the symbol of Ras Nsi when he was bara of Mezro. But he finds something puzzling about Ras Nsi; if Ubtao is dead, as Saja N'baza has said, then the god's power would be dispelled, and the immortality that he bestowed on his barae would have gone with it. So Ras Nsi would need some other power to live on. Perhaps he has obtained this power through his alliance with the yuan-ti?

The adventurers warn the Merchant Princes again of the strengthening Death Curse, and advise of their intent to return to Mbala to further investigate it. Dunch tells them that the Curse is also affecting the guardian spirits of their country—and one of them has told him that the source is in Omu.

At some point Ifan Talro'a loses interest in their discussion, and simply walks out.

As for affairs in Port Nyanzaru, Zanthi advises Chibuzo that "if you claim to represent the Kimbala and the Oracle, you need to be more responsible." She charges Grandfather Zitembe with overseeing the shrine. Rashaad's local residence has already been investigated and found abandoned, with the rune-engraved stones that once formed the teleportation portal now gouged out from the floor. Saadia offers to take responsibility for Rashaad's deeds on behalf of her family, but it will take time to sort out the details.

Before the meeting disperses, Zanthi asks: "Do you know what happened to Shago's ring?" Dunch promises to return it.

The party members first travel to the Royal Docks to retrieve their belongings, including Shago's ring, and then head back through the city towards Nkansu House. They are about halfway when Chibuzo hears Sayid's voice through the speaking stone he carries: "Opposing Rashaad does not come without consequences. The failed spy and the crippled Asturian girl will be made to pay the price."

As the Temple of Zann is nearby, they hasten first to warn Mokomoko of the threat. He decides to arm himself and accompany them to the Temple of the Maker to warn Sophia. Fearful of Rashaad's vengeance, and feeling more secure in the adventurers' company, Elmar asks to tag along.

When they arrive at Malar's Throat and enter the Temple of the Maker, they find its sanctuary deserted. The door to the back room is closed, and Chibuzo has to force it open. A bench has been propped up against it; nearby, Orwen Baelish sits face-down at a table, and Nera Blacktyde is lying on the floor. Both are unconscious. On the floor between them is an open leather satchel containing a small amount of a purple dust. Looking more closely, they find a coating of the dust on the table and other surfaces, but whatever power it held seems to have worn off.

An open door leads to a hallway with a few adjacent rooms—an office, a library, a storeroom. Stairs lead to the second floor and another hallway with several closed doors. Abruptly they hear a woman scream from a room at the end of the hall. Rushing forward, they find Sophia, begging for her life from a Marakuran woman in black leather armour and carrying a short sword and dagger.

Ixtli attacks, and hits the apparent assassin with a stunning strike. Dunch swiftly grapples her, forcing her to drop her sword, while Chibuzo seizes her dagger and holds it to her throat. He recognizes her now: this must be Lumusi, the seneschal at Rashaad's villa in the city, whom he saw briefly through a parrot's eyes when scouting the place. While Dolan helps Sophia out of the room, Chibuzo asks Lumusi rhetorically, "we're not going to make any sudden moves, are we?" She gazes at him calmly. "No sudden moves. What do we do now?" Chibuzo notes she bears a blue-dyed, triangle-shaped scar on her arm. "Who sent you? Though I already know the answer," he demands, but she does not answer.

Suddenly a great horn sounds three times: the warning of an undead attack. From an open window they hear the sounds of people screaming and panicking as they gather their belongings, search for their loved ones, and flee for the safety of the city walls.

The stone-built Temple of the Maker serves as a refuge for those who don't or can't make it through the gates. The adventurers set about closing and barring the windows to secure the place. Ixtli scouts the remainder of the first floor to ensure that there is no way for the undead to gain access, but doesn't have time to investigate the basement. They bring Sophia downstairs; General Voss, evidently sleeping off a heavy drunk in an upstairs bedroom, is left in peace. After retrieving some keys from the still-unconscious Father Baelish, they lock Lumusi in one of the downstairs offices.

While Dunch prepares to close and bar the building's heavy doors, Chibuzo and Dolan step out into the street. A few dozen undead, mostly skeletons or zombies, can be seen advancing from the jungle, attacking those who are slow to flee. Readying his longbow, Chibuzo fires repeatedly into the swarm, dropping a couple of zombies.

As the foes advance, Chibuzo makes out at least one undead dinosaur, a zombie triceratops surrounded by some kind of cloud or haze. As he watches, it gores a fleeing Marakuran, who rises again as a zombie a short time later. Chibuzo shoots the undead beast with more arrows, while Dolan conjures a Guiding Bolt: a flash of light that streaks towards it and sears its undead flash. Raising its decaying head, it seems to stare at the sorcerer before charging towards him and the Temple.

Report Date
07 Jan 2023
Primary Location
