First Night Rites


This is tradition! A reminder of whose rule you fall under.
— King in a booming voice
The First Night Rites were practiced by the Yestar and the Outlanders before The Shattering. It was a matter of contol over women, a reminder that no matter what they achieved during the day men wer ultimately stronger and knew what was best for women. And it showed the man there's someone stronger than him.
  The Outlanders kept this Rite even ater their migration.   The Yestar moved away from the horrific practice because it no longer aligned with thier ideals and beliefs


Courage, child. This night is a dark stain, but dawn will come. Endure and never forget... The whispers for change grow louder and will not be silenced
— Mother to daughter
It occured (still occurs, depending on group) on the wedding night. A King and/or Noblemen forcely have sex with a woman in front of her lifemate, while he's restrained and made to watch. It's an act that left an emotional scar on both bride and groom. Sometimes it left physical wounds on the woman as well.

Components and tools

A bed, though this isn't always necessary.  
Close your eyes, love. This is a night I shall forever bear the scars of, a silent witness to a King's barbarity
— groom to bride
Rope, at least enough for the groom. Sometimes enough for the bride. This depends on the perpetrator(s)


King and/or Noblemen (perpetrator)   Bride and Groom (victims)


This isn't a celebration or a public ceremony. It's a night of shame, rage, and powerlessness for the bride and groom. Yet, it's a night of absolute power and dominance for the King and Noblemen.
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Dewy Diamonds Badge by Strixxline
Camp On Stream #WASC24 by Haly, the Moonlight Bard

Cover image: by Lady Wynter by way of NightCafe


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