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Brightkin - Humans

The humans of Sildair are by far the most widespread race, and also the most numerous. They make up the majority of the population in all the major kingdoms, and most of the minor ones too. In the Silver Epoch, most of them consider themselves the true inheritors of Sildair, as the other First Races are either settled in small Kingdoms, or completely disappeared.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Human biology is much the same as in our world, with the main difference being the potential for extending life through magic. While this is available to all creatures of Sildair, it is the only way Brightkin humans deviate from us humans of Earth, and so the most important to mention here. If a person has their life extended by magic, by continuously healing diseases and injuries, humans are capable of living for up to 250 years. How their physique changes during this time depends greatly on the individual, but most people will both appear outwardly very old, and feel so inwardly, when they reach 120 years. Some few legendary characters, such as Asgal the Golden, may continue to both appear and feel relatively youthful for their entire lifespan, though the magic required is probably going to be more powerful than is available to even the greatest and richest rulers of the Silver Epoch. Normally living beyond 150 years becomes untenable, regardless of how much healing magic can be mustered, as the rigors of old age become constant and overwhelming. Humans mature physically at around age 18, and their natural lifespan is between 65 and 85 years.

Civilization and Culture




The Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition rules for humans in Sildair, also called Brightkin:
ability score increase: Hybrid humans increase any two distinct abilties by 1. Full race humans also increase any ability by a further 1.
age: Humans have a natural lifespan between 65 and 85 years.
Size: Medium
speed: 30 ft
Languages: Any granted by their cultural background.
race features:
Hybrid Features:
Skill Versatility:
Humans have a natural gift for quick learning. You gain proficiency in a skill of your choice.
Favour of the Sun King: Before making an attack, skill check or saving throw, you can decide to have advantage (or negate disadvantage) on the roll. You can use this feature a number of times equal to half your proficiency modifier, rounded up, and you regain expended uses following a long rest.

Full Race Features:
Superior Skill Versatility:
Full race humans gain a further advantage from skill versatility. You gain proficiency in a further skill of your choice.
Extra Feat: Choose one Feat.
Genetic Descendants
75 years
Average Height
152 cm - 213 cm
Average Weight
50 kg - 90 kg


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