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Perikonese (Peri-ko-NEES)

The Perikonese are a human culture, that rules the lands south-east of Dunor. Their land is lush and fertile, but also wild and untamed in many places, so most Perikonese live in the west, by the coast of the Bay of Splinters.

The wealth of Perikor comes from its merchants who sail between Gesha and Dunor, and so many Perikonese are merchants.

Human Perikonese usually have olive brown skin, and brown hair and eyes. In the twin cities of Jawarat Albar and Jawarat Alnar live people from all over the world, especially gnomes and elves, who often have similar skin and hair colour as their fellow Perikonese humans.

The Perikonese worship six of the Seven more or less equally, with Baal being the only exception. Ethelaius has a particularly big following among Perikonese sailors, and all of the children of the Seven are worshipped for their respective domains.


Major language groups and dialects

The Perikonese speak their own language, but as merchants and mercenaries they often speak other languages as well, usually Dunorian or Geshari, though Sarkaran is not that uncommon either, especially among sailors who sail north.


Languages: Perikonese - Sarkaran

Weapon Proficiencies: Mace, Shortbow, Halberd, Scimitar

Tool Proficiencies, Choose One: Alchemist's supplies, Cartographer's tools, Jeweler's tools, Navigator's tools
A Perikonese Mercenary.
The harbour of Jawarat Albar by the Bay of Splinters.


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