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Leviathalas is the favored polis of Karametra, and its buildings blend so perfectly into the forest that it's difficult to tell the difference between inside and outside. The populace lives in harmony with the thick forests, terraced farms, and trained animals of Leviathalas, and they celebrate the cycle of seasons with grand holidays. Leviathalas is also unique among the poleis of Sinfonia in that few of its adult residents are men. Women comprise the bulk of the population, holding almost all of the leadership roles and carrying out most work. Men are few and far between, mostly performing roles at the polis's edge. Children run freely around the polis. They're so important, in fact, that Leviathalan people take in abandoned children from all over Sinfonia.


50% Human, 25% Elf, 10% Dragonborn, 7% Satyr, 4% Centaur, 4% Other   The Arkulli "Little Bears" make up a sizeable chunk of the population (about 27%)


Karametra is the queen of Leviathalas, but of course gods have more important concerns than the day-to-day governance of a mortal polis. So a five-member council attends to the daily tasks of leadership on the deity's be­half. The Temple to Karametra is the seat of government in Leviathalas, not just a temple to the Goddess herself. The gardens in this temple are said to be the most beautiful gardens anywhere in the world.     Anthousa, Leader of Leina Tower is favored by Karametra and is therefore the de facto leader of the Council of Warriors and makes decisions for Leviathalas that do not require the Council to assemble.


The Four Towers (Leina Tower, Hyrax Tower, Bassara Tower, Ophis Tower) provide for the mutual defense of Leviathalas and her people, each serving a specific purpose.

Industry & Trade

  The The Abora Market is a giant, open-air market just inside the main gate of Leviathalas. Outsiders are allowed to use the market on certain days but are prohibited from roaming the polis at large. For Leviathalans, the market is open every day, year round.   Currency is not common, although foreign sellers sometimes accept coin. For Leviathalans, all commerce is done in trade and property is held in common.

Guilds and Factions


The founding of Leviathalas is a matter of hot debate amongst scholars across Sinfonia and the stories are as varied and ancient as the trees of the Nessian Wood. Some say the polis evolved from a small village of Satyrs born from the trees. Others say the first Wood Elf was quite literally carved by Nylea from the bark of a Guardian Tree. Many who live in Leviathalas attibute The Legend of Nessiana as the true story of the founding of Leviathalas. Whatever story is true, Leviathalas is blessed and watched over closely by Karametra and Nylea to ensure peace and prosperity in the Nessian Wood.   This close attention by the two Godesses is what makes the The Nessian War and the Nekroti Plague so concerning to the citizens of Leviathalas. They've always done their best to live their lives in accordance to the natural law, how then could such horrors be visited upon them? Was this a punishment of some kind? Previously the conflict between Helios and Apollo was little more than a matter of debate in the taverns and inns of Leviathalas, but now this divine war has spilled over into their homes and changed their way of life forever.


Leviathalas rests in the heart of the Nessian Wood. To the west is the Themyscira River that flows down from the Wildland Mountains and flows out to the Draconian Sea. To the south is the bulk of the ancient Nessian Wood with the Draconian Sea to the west of that and the Oraniad Mountains to the east. To the North the Nessian Wood grows more and more rugged until Leviathalan territory ends and the Wildlands begin.   Four holy sites, corresponding to the four seasons, stand in or near the polis and serve as temples-primarily for the rites of Karametra and Nylea, but also to the other gods to an extent. These nexus points between the mortal world and Nyx-a phenomenon called the Kelema Veil-are where omens manifest amid star fields that glitter in the shadows and where oracles seek messages from the divine. The four nexuses are each distinct in their own ways.   The Spring Nexus    The Summer Nexus    The Autumn Nexus    The Winter Nexus

Natural Resources

Fresh fruit, vegetables, baked goods, fish, meat, nuts, seeds, and spices are all plentiful. Animals such as horses, pegasuses, wolves, lions, falcons and more are trained in the Amatrophon. There are some mines within the city, but they are carved so as not to disrupt the forests. Master artisans are renowned for creating "Ironwood" weapons and armor made from wood carefully extracted from the three sacred trees surrounding Karametra's Temple.
  "Better to kiss a snake than fight a Leviathalan."   —Strasian saying    
Leviathalas (Player Map)


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