The Slovan Spirits


The Slovan spirits are said to be the past spirits of the ancient Slovally an old tribe of northern dwellers. These spirits are not similar to The Elladin Spirites as there is no fixed amount of Slovan spirits. Those who seek guidance from Slovan Spirits have been called: Slovan or Northsouls. Modern-day Slovans see their label more as an identification of culture, they call themself Slovan or Norhsouls because that is where they believe their soul is anchored within the world. They may still follow other deities or even entire pantheons. 
  Those who identify as Slovan will often practise meditation to speak with those from the past, or to communicate with nature spirits. A big part of their life is allowing their lives and those around them to live in harmony with those who lived before. They are big into protecting the old stories of those past, whether it be through maintaining old structures, singing old songs or protecting the nature that their kin would have lived in. They respect death, however, they do not see death as an end, just an entry to an adjacent plane where their souls are still able to interact with Skålnir, and so, on their behalf, they enforce the wills of the old Slovally.



Those who believe in the spirits, or more accurately, those who seek their guidance can be found in the north of any of the upper lands. This includes the norths of The Kingdom of Midgering , The Roglian Empire, The Kingdom of Marbia, The Vastelian Empire and The Kingdom of Anzia.

Because of the vast spreading of the Slovan Spirits, followers of these spirits often also find peace in having a stricter and physical religious body such as another Pantheon.  

The Influence of the Unseen

Many incredible feats in the north have been attributed to the Slovan Spirits. When lost cattle survive a frozen night, when the incurable become curable it is often seen as blessings by the Slovally and good karma for looking after their land. Although the north can seem like a barren frost land with no natural order dictating it, Northsouls are very insistent on looking after the land and preserving the elemental nature of the North.
In times when people have fought the elements, for example, by blocking wind routes through mountains, there has always been a disaster with at least one person who would claim to of seen one of these spirits through the snow. Seeing a Slovan Spirit is a sporadic and rare occurrence, and 90% of recordings have been when these spirits have appeared as a red glow with a monstrous face staring deep into your eyes. When at peace they are said to have a soft blue or white glow, adding to the difficulties in seeing them.
  The main influence of the Slovally is through the cultures of the lands, different regions, tribes and even families have varying traditional cultures that are supposedly formed from contracts with Slovallian spirits made by leaders in these communities. The spirits make sure to uphold these contracts and breaking them, depending on the contract, could lead to a spirit turning your body into a husk.  


The question has always lingered in the air of the North, going unanswered so much so that even some tribes and villages see it as taboo.
What happened to the Old Slovanny people for them to forfeit their presence in reality and instead roam the lands as these wild spirits?

Of course, many theories have come and gone, with multiple entries and scrolls written on the topic from past Accords. Multiple theories revolve around the nature side of the Slovally, and their connection to the lands saying they were able to become a part of the land and represent it through its sentient form as invaders and land grabbers would treat it poorly. Other stories try to argue that Slovally committed great sins and misdeeds to the lands that led their Gods to punish them into neverending slavery to guard the lands. The truth is that there has been no documented evidence to support any of these theories, people have claimed to of spoken to the spirits but these records are untrustworthy and invalidated. On the travels of the 11th Accord, a single rose petal was discovered in some Slovally ruins, vibrant in colour and undying in nature. Its last known whereabouts were in Kingdom of Midgering.