Ichor Ocean

The Ichor Ocean, formed due to the drastic changes in current patterns following the Burn, is one of Nyria's most enigmatic and dangerous bodies of water. Covering approximately 70,560,000 square kilometers and accounting for about 20% of Nyria's water surface, this ocean is named for its dark, viscous appearance. The Ichor Ocean is notorious for its unpredictable storms, tales of monstrous sea creatures, and challenging navigation conditions.


The Dark, Viscous Sea

The Ichor Ocean's name is derived from its unusual appearance. The waters are dark and thick, giving them a viscous quality that sets them apart from other oceans on Nyria. This unique characteristic is attributed to the high concentration of volcanic ash and minerals carried over from the Steaming Ocean, as well as the constant mixing of deep-sea sediments brought to the surface by strong currents and underwater geological activity.


Unpredictable Storms and Treacherous Weather

One of the defining features of the Ichor Ocean is its volatile weather. The continuous rains originating from the neighboring Steaming Ocean create a perpetual state of flux, leading to frequent thunderstorms and powerful currents. These conditions make the Ichor Ocean one of the most challenging regions to navigate. Sailors must be constantly vigilant, as sudden squalls and turbulent waves can arise without warning, posing significant risks to even the most seasoned mariners.


Tales of Monsters from the Deep

The Ichor Ocean is steeped in mystery and folklore, with numerous stories about monstrous creatures lurking beneath its dark waters. These tales, passed down through generations of Alsian sailors, describe enormous beasts capable of dragging entire ships into the depths. While many of these accounts are likely exaggerated, the ocean's dense, murky waters and frequent storms provide the perfect backdrop for such legends to thrive. Explorers and scientists continue to study the Ichor Ocean, hoping to uncover the truth behind these stories and perhaps discover new marine species.


Continuous Rains and Thunderstorms

The interaction between the Steaming Ocean and the Ichor Ocean creates a unique climatic phenomenon. The continuous evaporation from the Steaming Ocean feeds into the Ichor Ocean, resulting in relentless rainfall. This constant influx of water, combined with the ocean's inherent instability, generates frequent thunderstorms. These storms are often accompanied by lightning, high winds, and torrential downpours, further complicating navigation and exploration.


Strong Currents and Underwater Hazards

The Ichor Ocean's strong currents are another significant challenge. These currents, driven by both surface winds and deep-sea movements, create hazardous conditions for ships. The underwater topography is marked by treacherous features such as hidden reefs, submerged volcanic vents, and deep chasms. Navigating through this ocean requires advanced knowledge and experience, as well as robust vessels capable of withstanding the harsh environment.

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Generic article | Sep 11, 2024


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