Steaming Ocean

The Steaming Ocean, a marvel of natural phenomena, derives its name from the continuous evaporation caused by an underwater lava-spewing chasm and the volcanoes that arise from it. This geological activity has significantly raised the ocean's temperature, creating a constant evaporation effect that not only shrouds the area in an everlasting mist but also plays a crucial role in powering the planet's rain cycle.

The Underwater Inferno

At the heart of the Steaming Ocean lies a massive chasm, a rift in the planet's crust from which lava continuously spews. This intense geothermal activity heats the surrounding waters to extraordinary temperatures, causing them to evaporate almost instantaneously upon contact. The resultant steam rises and condenses, forming dense mist that blankets the ocean surface


Volcanoes, born from the same geothermal forces, dot the ocean floor. These underwater mountains contribute to the heating process, their eruptions adding to the already significant thermal activity. Together, the chasm and the volcanoes create a dynamic and ever-changing underwater landscape, a testament to the planet's volatile nature.

The Mist and the Rain Cycle

The constant evaporation from the Steaming Ocean generates an everlasting mist that has a profound impact on Nyria's climate. This mist rises and spreads, eventually condensing into clouds that drift across the planet. The water vapor from the Steaming Ocean is a primary driver of Nyria's rain cycle, ensuring a continuous supply of precipitation that nourishes the planet's ecosystems.

This perpetual mist also affects local weather patterns, creating a unique microclimate in the regions surrounding the Steaming Ocean. The area is characterized by frequent rains, high humidity, and cooler temperatures, a stark contrast to the otherwise harsh conditions resulting from the Burn.

Geographic and Ecological Impact

Covering approximately 15% of Nyria's water surface, the Steaming Ocean is a significant geographical feature. Its influence extends far beyond its physical boundaries, affecting global weather patterns and the distribution of rainfall. This oceanic region is crucial for maintaining the planet's hydrological balance, providing a steady flow of moisture that sustains life across Nyria.

The Steaming Ocean is home to a variety of unique marine species that have adapted to the extreme conditions. From heat-resistant corals to thermophilic microorganisms, these organisms thrive in the high-temperature waters, forming vibrant ecosystems around the volcanic vents. The nutrient-rich waters also attract larger marine creatures, creating a complex and interdependent food web.

A boom and a challenge

For the Alsian inhabitants of Nyria, the Steaming Ocean is both a boon and a challenge. The ocean's mist and rain cycles are vital for agriculture and water supply, especially in the highland regions where many have sought refuge post-Burn. However, the area’s volatile nature and the ever-present risk of eruptions pose significant dangers.

Navigating the Steaming Ocean requires specialized knowledge and equipment. Sailors and explorers must contend with reduced visibility due to the thick mist and the unpredictable weather patterns. Many sailors talk of islands hidden in the mist rich with forests and animals

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Generic article | Sep 11, 2024


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