Felucia Steel Corps

The Felucia Steel Corps is the army pledged, armed, and directed by the infamous House of Steel. The Corps is known for its large employ of conscripts and penal battalions, most of which have been shipped to Tu'Kor under the auspices of "taming" the wild jungles. Years of conflict on the jungle world has hardened the senior staff in the army regiment, where the ruthless and cutthroat rise to the top of the ranks.   They have a steady contract with Harrison Armory, and make ample use of their Ghengis mech chassis. In return, Harrison Armory sees a steady stream of former Steel Regiment soldiers joining their ranks looking for lucrative contracts in various Harrison Armory colonial expeditions.  

Penal Battalions

  The Steel Regiment is one of the Imperial Army regiments to regularly utilize prisoners in more untrained irregular battalions, usually under the command of a highly discplined and noble officer corps. Many are offered freedom, shortened sentances, or even wartime spoils that they can send back home. These penal battalions are often utilized by the greater officers as canon fodder, and these penal battalions have a casualty rate significantly higher than normal Steel Regiment formations. These penal units have even been documented as being used in regular units as a threat for unruly soldiers.   Penal battalion's use is still highly polarized, not only in the Empire as a whole, but also the interior of the House of Steel. Critics of penal battalions argue that at best they are employed as an over brutal force of occupation on a foreign system, and at worst these units regularly see deserters who bring their knowledge to organizations the House of Steel is fighting against.
Military, Army Regiment
Alternative Names
Steel Legion
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Ruling Organization
Parent Organization


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