Imperial Tymorran Army

The Royal Army outfitted and manned by the House of Moments, the Tymorran Army are a direct colonial representation of the Fourth Column interests of the House of Moments. A large, exhaustive force, the Tymorran not only serve within the Core Worlds as policing forces for Moments' worlds , but also extensively on their Mid Rim holding of the Nimbam. Nimbam has turned into a slog, where blocks are won and lost day by day to the cost of hundreds of thousands of lives.   In the past decade, Tymorran Army has taken more losses on Nimbam than any other system in the galaxy. In their frusration, the House of Moments constantly shifts strategy, throwing more and more bodies at the problem. Those who survive their service are granted a meager citizenship, and relatively poor assistance when they return home to their Moment's run planet. It does not help that the Tymorran forces are notoriously poorly equipped as well, especially when compared to the likes of the "Sand Devils", or the Winged Hussars. They operate a heavy conscription force, especially from their holdings in the Panem Region.   The Tymorrans are known primarily for their Dragoons, gasmasked light calvary who engaged in the death charges over Babylon.There is a not-so-well kept secret that the masks that the Dragoons wear pump the soldiers full of stims and drugs, meant to "increase morale". These drugs are thought to be some kind of concoction of Red Rage, Slo-Mo and rumored even to even contain Melange.
Military, Army
Alternative Names
Royal Dragoons
Formation Type
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Ruling Organization
Parent Organization


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