Federal Sand Defensive Corps

The Federal Sand Defensive Corps, or FSDC are the Imperial Army force loyal to the House of Sand. Despite their smaller size, the Sand Corps is one of the most capable and well-equiped armies in the entirety of the Empire. The Fasaryr rifles have proven themselves against much larger forces time and time again, as the elite trained forces of the FAS. The earned the Monikier the "Sand Devils" when they fought off a combined force of House of Steel and House of Grass army trying to capture their footholds on Thraka. The Emperor punished the two houses for such a blatant disrespect of the Nobility Pact, and gave the House of Sand more territory as payment. This was a bittersweet deal, as it has overextended the power of Sand.   The Fasaryr military academies are some of the best in the known galaxy, and regularly exchange students with the Royal Naval Academy, the Baronic Calvary School, and the various Assembly universities.   When they are not active in military actions against more aggressive houses, they regularly build and maintain the infrastructure on Fasaryr Prime. Their forces also work closely with the Sand-men, the House of Sand intelligence services. It is rumored that the Rifles have been operating in Corporate Assembly space, though the Houe of Sand denies these claims.
Military, Army Regiment
Alternative Names
Fasary Rifles, Sand Devils
Training Level
Ruling Organization
Parent Organization


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