Hydra Syndicate

The Hydra Syndicate found its footing hundreds of years ago, in the Great Expanse. They were organized in the legal gray area and the sheer profit to be made under the auspices of the Corporate Assembly. They were founded by a merchant fleet labor union, that had split off from the Corporate Assembly. They began to run into cash flow issues, so the Syndicate turned towards smuggling goods between Red Sun Commonwealth and Assembly Space. Now, the Syndicate now operates all over the Orion Arm, especially throughout the Mid Rim. Their chief rival are the Zym Cartels, and they regularly clash over smuggling routes, production centers, and much more.   Throughout Imperial space, the Syndicate works through laborers, star dock workers, scrappers, and merchant ship crews. On some planets, like Bal'Marin, they are supposedly being funded by rebel organizers, while on other worlds like Dral, they work directly against the likes of the Pacifica Liberation Front. The syndicate is organized under the various captains, who have a wide range of operational freedom. Because they maintain a web of hidden routes throughout the galaxy, they are also one of the chief information brokers in the galaxy, regularly running data shards throughout the galaxy. On this front, they regularly contend with heli.OS.
Illicit, Syndicate
Alternative Names
The Syndicate
Notable Members

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