Jett Suncaller

Jett Suncaller always had a hard time paying attention in school. His time at the Union academies are marred by teacher remarks attributing his poor grades to his low attention span. It took time for Jett to find his path, that would eventually have him signing up for the Union Transporation Department as soon as he could. He got certified in Gate Jump Transport, and started his career moving goods between Sovereign Space and the surrounding Mid Rim. Jett found his calling in open space, behind the controls of a freighter. A calling that was soon thrown into flux when his ship was boarded by Blueforce Division. He lost a limb, and also the disillusionment of the galaxy as a whole being a wholly "good" place.    He came back to Beacon frustrated and traumatized. He found himself signing up for the Union Navy, working in disaster relief as a runner pilot for a few years. He was called on by the VRF, and Jett was happy to answer. His time smuggling goods throughout the Mid Rim made him a valuable asset to Vanguard teams looking to stealthily insert on hostile planets.
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