Minister Umbara

Minister Umbara spent years in the Ministry of Justice before it was requested she join the Ministry of Diplomacy, and was tasked with the every tense High Sanctuary. She has seen much of the galaxy, and seeks to avoid violence whenever possible. She is protected by a small cadre of Vanguard Revolutionary Forces. There are rumors circulating of her involvement and association with known PLF political figures, as well as facilitating arms smuggling to Pacifica Liberation Front forces on Thraka.   The minister is regularly targeted by Imperial Security. The last minister suffered injuries at this post, the result of an explosive launched at the Union Embassy. Security has been ramped up, and even the Interstellar has deemed it neccessary for more Union forces to be allowed to operate on the station. The Union is very careful not to build up to many arms, and many of their forces are hidden from public eyes. They want to avoid making a public scene at all costs. So instead, they lean heavily on Captain Reggie Iron to handle most of their dirty work.
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