Ministry of Justice

The Ministry of Justice serves as the only law enforcement agency that is directly controlled by Central Committee. They are only utilized when requested by local authorities, or when a criminal element begins to span across systems.    The Ministry of Justice works hand-in-hand with the Ministry of Peace. When peacekeepers face violence, or more heinous crimes arise, the Ministry of Justice moves in to secure the peace. The Union rarely utilizes the Ministry of Justice, and only established the ministry after a cult of Plaguewalkers were able to wreack havoc within Sovereign Space for years during the silence.    They now mainly deal with mass killers, Imperial agents, slavery rings and rogue AIs. The Ministry of Justice leans heavily on local militias, PDFs, and the Union Naval Ministry to back them up in these situations. To become a Justice, one must spend years studying law, sociology and many other topics. They spend time on Beacon, learning theory, and then spend more years as a shadow to another justice as they travel Sovereign Space  Once you become a Justice, you give yourself over to an ascetic organization. The large Temple on Beacon serves as a monastary of sorts for those who are not on active duty. It also serves as the retirement home of the Justices, if they chose. Many do, as this temple is their percieved home. Many spent decades living in the temple, and have carved out a life in its idyllic beauty.
Government, Law Enforcement
Ruling Organization
Parent Organization


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