Shash Ra

Bishop Shash Ra, Scion of the House of Dust

For many without means, the Judicar Academy at Dol Amoth is a graveyard, just waiting to have their bodies added to the piles of those who came before them. However, there are some shrewd and strong enough to carve out their existence amongst the priveledge and nepotism rife in the Judicars.   Shash Ra was raised in the gutters of Mystra, where her survival was already a lottery. Her frequent run-ins with local law enforcement exposed her to Psionics testing early on, and she was quietly shipped off with all the other orphans to Dol Amoth. She used the skills she gained on Mystra and began to build a network of spies and secrets. Her web of information spread throughout the academy, and there was little eventuality she was left unprepared for. Her psionic gifts, especially in precognition quickly grabbed the attention of the House of Dust. She was offered apprenticeship under the Judicar Lord Radkos, who worked closely with the Imperial Secret Service, and she expanded her network all across the Core Systems.   She also began to began to build the foundations of a shadow cult, dedicated to her and her alone. Her apprenticeship ended quickly, as she proved herself useful and she became a Judicar sponsored formally by the House of Dust. She gained a title, a seat of power and enough funds to grow and expand her bastion of power. Her scope expanded beyond the Security Service, and she began to pursue Way artifacts and anomalies. She gained psionic powers unmatched when she fused with not only a mystic spirit, but apparently an errant Demon Construct. She has apprentices of her own, including a certain Lord Raffen who searches out these DEMONs on High Sanctuary.   Shash Ra emerged from this experience fully changed. It was not long before she climbed her way to Lord, and then shortly after became a Bishop, when she caught the eye of Emperor Drul Angmar. He has tasked her with continuing to pursue mystic spirits, though has added the stipulation that she avoids releasing anymore DEMONs.
Current Location
Year of Birth
172 ME 73 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Judicar Apprentices
Lord Raffen


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