A resource rich planet, Tar'Atu is home to a prideful and industrious people. Guided many years by tradition and patience, the various settlements here were content to mostly be left alone and happy to outsource their vital metals to the nearby systems in return for foods and various other small luxuries. However, when the Colonial Earth Empire showed up, they funneled money into the mining unions, bloating them with corruption and weakening the government at the same time. They eventually took over the mines, and brought in Corporate Assembly and Colonial Earth Empire companies to take over the work.
This has led to some small scale uprisings, and rumors of seedlings of the Pacifica Liberation Front sinking their hooks into local radicals has not helped. Since then, security forces have moved in, escalating tensions to a boiling point.
Life on Tar'Atu
The Miners
When the Empire came, so too at first did the money. At least for those who owned a piece of the mines. Billions of credits flooded the economy, and whole towns grew overnight. This money was doled out far from evenly. The vast majority of workers on the planets saw very little change in their day-to-day existence. Sure, the grocery stores were more stocked and more private security patrolled the streets, but for the most part, you worked until you retired and then you died. As time went on, the grip on Tar'Atu has tightened. The wars in pacifica are expensive, and the empire needs all the metal it can get for the imperial fleets. When the imperial checkpoints started popping up, so to did the whispers of the PLF. Work is longer, harder, and under more dangerous conditions. Making it to retirement age is a priveledge now, not a right. The miners have stayed upright thanks to their communities.The Bloody Barons
Compare to the rest of the planet, the Barons live in extravagant wealth. They are the haves, in their own little kingdoms. In the begining, the empire left them alone, happy to funnel resources off-world for more and more money. However, the more they gave to the empire, the more the empire wanted to take. Compared to the wealth of the imperial houses, the local Barons are mere decimal points. The barons lack the spine, so they sold out. Many have cashed out, selling their fiefs to Imperial lords and corpo-bosses. They took a golden chute and now merely run the operations on their face value, keeping the local population in line. However, they are lazy, incompetent and spoiled. Many were born into their positions, and have only known a lavish upbringing. They spend friviously on whims and misguided ideas masquereding as venture capitalism. A select few are competent, and realize the noose is slowly tightening around their power. They have began working alongside the Hydra Syndicate and even occasionally the liberation front, trying to wrest control away from the empire.Ecosystem
Tar'Atu has a temperate, dry climate. The inlands, near the equators, are filled with sweeping savanahs and the occasional deep forest. Most of the human settling occurs around the oceans. These oceans are freshwater oceans, nestled above massive glaciers that keep the water cool, and feed by underground aquifers that channel freshwater to the surface.
It is a planet filled with a local diverse xenological population, one that the locals have come to rely on. The lack of urban centers means that 96% of the planet is left almost entirely untouched by humans. However, the 4% that is touched is deeply scarred. Messy mining operations have caused runoff into the blue oceans, poisioning the local ecosystem. The House of Lanterns has not helped this process, slashing local regulation and setting up mining operations of their own, protected by Imperial troopers.
A deep network of caverns exists underneath the surface of the planet. Caused by the shifting tides and pathways of the highly pressurized underwater aquifers going through the planet. These caves are filled with a sub-terranian biome full of glowing fungi, and unique rainforests.
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Owning Organization
Contested By
Characters in Location
Medium Security