
Controlled by House of Lanterns, Stryga has become their most populated world, and works closely with their contacts in the Corporate Assembly. The Stryga Interstellar Gate has also proven a place of commerce and distribution into the empire, and outwards to the Great Expanse.   Stryga is a world of campuses, unscarred by war or a long history of human occupation. Most of the time, it is a temperate, Mediterranean world with warm oceans and shallow, saline seas – typically no deeper than two to three meters.   One notable feature of Stryga’s endless oceans is the presence of polar “wells”, underwater pits where the ocean floor suddenly drops to titanic depths of tens of thousands of meters. These wells render the planet’s poles uninhabitable; they pierce nearly to the core of the world and generate geysers, causing the sea to boil when underwater gases build up. Once a decade or so these trapped gases release in colossal gouts of steam, venting high into the atmosphere and plunging the world into a steamy, years-long wet season of hazy, circumglobal rain and elevated temperatures.   Apart from this phenomenon, Stryga is often described as beautiful, if boring. To the mariner or the Imperial, however, boring isn’t necessarily a thing to be avoided.
Location under
Owning Organization
Security Rating 
High Security


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