
Arden is one of the agri-worlds under the control of the Colonial Earth Empire. It produces a good chunk of the Empire's food for the Throne Worlds, and it is proud to be that.   The planet is lush with life, and more than fifteen times larger than the earth. Even though the planet's population numbers in the billions, the agri-land remains a top priority, so the populace takes care not to upset the local ecology, by imperial decree. It is loosely managed by a certain House of Flowers, who rarely visit the planet in force. It is usually managed by someone close to 4th or 5th in the line of succession for the Flowers.   The populace here is known for being extremely loyal to the Empire, and a good chunk of the Imperial Navy is recruited from this region. The populace is keen on military parades and extravagence. Their Imperial Army regiment is well equipped and regularly utilized by the Imperial Nobility as a club against Panem planets that might have a more terse relationship with the Imperial Authorities. Their dedication to Imperialism makes them excellent boots which the empire applies to the necks of those who might seek to question Imperial Authority.    

Life on Arden


The Petite Nobility

  For those of the upper class on Arden, life is filled with balls, feasts, tournaments, parades and pagentry. It is easily mistaken for a twisted version of the middle ages of europe tens in humanity's distant past. The wealthy build up palaces, castles and compounds around their localities. Each pledges their way up until they fall under one of the major houses within the House of Flowers. They take most of the wealth from the planet, and spend it on lavish lifestyles. They wear the finest clothing and drink the finest wines. The petit nobility is threaded together through a web of marriage alliances, financial arrangements and writs of protection made by the minor nobility.    Grand balls and events are centered around the Imperial holidays. Part of these holidays include the nobility offering bread and circus for the vast population. They run gladiator arenas, where they watch the working class fight for glory in their name.   

The Ignoble

  For the vast majority, those on Arden live in rural homesteads. Compared to planets like New Babylon, those on Arden might seem like backwards and even pre-tech. They have hovercars, biotics and a vast array of drone constructs, but on a day-to-day basis, these merely are viewed as tools, and only take up a fraction of one's life.    Most live a social life, spending time at the nearby beer halls and lounges. Regular community collaboration keeps the society running. Many have jobs in technical blue collar fields, like electricians, datasmiths and builders. Many fall prey to the propoganda of the Empire, and gleefully join the Imperial Navy or the Royal Flower Dragoons. This might gain them access to the Flower's Service Academies, which almost garuntees their acceptance working in one of the Empire's vast bueraucratic organizations. A job in the Department of Space Travel, or Ministry of Terraforming means a ticket to the Imperial structure and off-world.   

The Unwanted

  The poorest of the poor on Arden are often left to squalor. Many live in poor houses in town centers, where they are put to work on dangerous farming projects or construction sites. Those in debt also have a higher probabliy of getting conscripted into the Dragoons. They serve in debtor legions, where they are put on the frontline of planets like Thraka or Nimbam.   If they do not end up dying, most return back to Arden. They come back shell-shocked, traumatized and handicapped. The Imperial government does their best to push these people to the fringes. Work becomes impossible, and many are shipped off to colonial projects on the same worlds that they were injured on.
Location under
Owning Organization
A Grand Party organized by House Primrose    
A Dragoon Security Patrol


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