Fasaryr Prime

Fasaryr Prime is home to one of the largest industrial centers in the Colonial Earth Empire. The population is known for having an innate culture of wanderlust and a natural affinity for the stars. Indeed, many shipyards orbit Fasaryr Prime, and a good chunk of Imperial Pilots hail from this planet. It is technically under the control of the House of Sand, though their grip is loose, and their house has been divided for many generations. They are beholden to the various Baron Lords that control the various industrial hubs and oribital stations, who hold a spot in the Imperial Senate. This means that while they own and profit greatly from the planet, they still are beholden to the laws set out by the Industrial Barons.   It has also unfortunately found a good number of those who have a contentious relationship with the Imperial Authorities . Their strength though comes from their strategic location, so the empire takes great care when dealing with the populace of Fasaryr Prime. The nobles here also recognize the importance of the Fasaryr Run, and are happy to remind others of their importance.   Their place along the Fasaryr Run has made the planet rich on exporting and importing goods to and from the Mid Rim. This also means that they have the side effect of also being the gateway for the illict goods coming in from the mid-rim.  

Life on Fasaryr

  Fasaryr prime is made up of one of the most diverse populations within all of the Empire. Made up primarily of Zlathan and Imperials, with minorities of Mercandol and even a small gathering of Wanderers, most refugees of the wars happening in Pacifica.   Over half of the 6 billion souls who live here, live in Fasa City. The megacity stretches around, and over, the Tyrish ocean. It is home to the House of Sand, and over 98% of the planet's industrial capacity. It sprawls larger than the size of continents on Sol. The other half live in their own remote nomadic tribal governments. They occupy the mountains, in deep wellsprings found there and carefully protected. There are few resources, and little reason to move them, so the House of Sand leaves them be. The two cultures collide during trade festivals, usually centred around the Imperial holidays.   Massive dunecrawlers emerge from sandstorms and mountains. The nomad tribes come bearing unique gifts, trading for parts and technology to fix their aging equipment. They also make much of their money growing and distributing Spice and Space Weed. Any attempt to govern the tribes has been met with stiff resistance, from both the tribes and even the working class of the cities. So the status quo remains.
Location under
Included Organizations
Owning Organization
System Gate
Security Rating
High Security


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