
Morgol lies at the culmination of the Fasaryr Run and the Felucia Trade Way. It still remains in the Panem Region, but nearly borders the Throne Worlds. From Morgol, a web of distribution flows into the Throne Worlds, powered by the rugged industrialists of the Panem Planet. The House of Glass was clever to establish the routes through expensive exploration (Usually subsidized by the Imperial Senate ) and their clever use of Waystar to encourage this exploration and trade.   It now operates as a massive industrial city, with a diverse population of all kinds from all corners of Imperial touched space. It is massive in size, and hard to police. While the population does not pose a direct threat to the Colonial Earth Empire, it does act as a distrubtion hub illicit substances like Spice and Slo-Mo. It also is where a great number of illegal weapons are smuggled throughout the rest of the Panem Region, usually from the industrial factory planets like Fasaryr Prime.   This kind of operation has garnered the interest mainly of organizations like the Red Sun Commonwealth and the Zym Cartel, and also the smaller organizations that spring up through the Panem Regions due to the rampant poverty.   The undercity here is full of all kinds of people trying to earn an extra credit, and there are plenty of illegal credits to be made here. House Jiminea has been accused of profiting off this illegal activity, though the talking heads at Waystar are keen to say otherwise.  
The Interstellar Gate in Morgol is the largest in Imperial Controlled Space. It holds millions of residents, and is a fully functioning city in its own right. It also houses tens of thousands of security forces, Customs Agents, and other symbols of the Colonial Empire's military strength.   The gate is one of the most traversed gates in the entire galaxy, and this station alone sees almost half of all goods bound for the Throne Worlds. The other half usually come through the Spice Road.   The gate itself is also rumored to host play to the various subversive actions taken against the House of Glass, with various other assets utilizing deniable asset units on the station in order to hinder their rivals shipping portfolios. Information, assets, and technology is regularly stolen and transfered here, giving rise to an economy of highly trained corpo-mercs who work under the likes of the Sand-Men or even Fourth Column radicals funded by greater houses.
Location under
Owning Organization
Security RatingĀ 
High Security


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