
Eclipse is a highly secret occult group. With only a handful of members, all of Eclipse are incredibly powerful psi-users. It is said that they seek to unravel the secrets of Psionic power, to usher in the new wave of humanity, one commanded by those touched by Psionic abilities. They view themselves as humanity's next step, and their reluctant saviors. They believe that the silence was caused by a psionic scream, let out by the powerful founder of their organization.     Eclipse now hunts down pre-silence temples, seeking out ancient knowledge and secrets. They have considerable resources, though they prefer to keep to the shadows, and make ample use of advanced drone technology to expand their intelligence network alongside careful navigation of the DeadNet.   The members have in many ways made enemies of almost every other organization within the galaxy, and most of the eclipse members are wanted criminals from the Throne Worlds to the reaches of Far Space. They are regularly hunted by the likes of the Be'Teu and the Judicars alike. The only organization that has been noted to work alongside Eclipse knowingly is heli.OS. Though there are just as many instances of the two organizations fighting as well.   Their members include:  
Secret, Occult
Controlled Territories
Notable Members

Articles under Eclipse

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