
This story focuses on Sturgis O'Malley of the world famous Sturgis O'Malley's Beatroot Gang, who is also the owner of O'Malley's Folk Music Shop.


In the year 275 (23 years ago) Sturgis was a miner in the small town of Northwinds Pass. When Coalition and International Investments Incorporated were planning on expanding the copper mines and the railroad that crosses the pass, the companies wanted to bring in outside workers that would work for cheaper than the local miners who were in the process of Unionizing. Sturgis was a passionate supporter of the pro-Union side.

Sturgis only started playing music as a way to rally the pro-Union side. During this time all the songs he wrote were about the fight of the working man and the crimes of the bosses. When the union boss, Pat O'Malley, (who happened to be his brother) decided to compromise with the Corpos as opposed to standing firm, Sturgis could not accept this. He left his hometown and started traveling and helping other union movements across Keplar. It wasn't long until he got wrapped up in the The Infrastructure Riots of Tri-City.

In Tri-City, Sturgis' radical brand of music found eager ears. The songs he wrote during the riots became the most in demand in the city. Over the years his music became more popular and the radical edge to his music disapeared. Sturgis joined with a trio of other folk musicians and formed the Beatroot Gang. Eventually the group signed with Inc Entertainment a talent managment group owned by the very corporation Sturgis used to fight against.

In Game Story

In the game the story starts when player is using Calloway. As someone who lives in IncĀ³ Budget Apartments, some of the worst apartments in the city, he is shocked to see that his new neighbor is none other than Sturgis O'Malley.


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