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Thread 1.2.2: The True and Loyals


A group of radical Imperials calling themselves The True and Loyals, or T&L, have a strong presence on Carida Memorial Station. They are targeting The New Republic and its supporters, including the Jedi Order.

Yavin IV


Carida Memorial Station

TIE Attack
Upon arriving in the Carida system, The Mynock's Wing is immediately attacked by 3 TIE fighters coming from the Carida Memorial Station. After some initial chaos and uncertainty, each padawan found their role on the ship and was able to destroy one of the fighters after taking some damage. Master Dal Konur used the Force to finish off another fighter, while the third escaped.   Ismar's Troubles
Inside the cargo bay of the port hangar, the party finds an old Duro trader named Ismar Tun who is looking for his goods and can't find them. He is not very friendly toward them and is not interested in their help. However, is does give them some advice about avoiding the "T&L's" (The True and Loyals), a group of radical ex-imperials who hate the The New Republic, Jedi Order, and non-humans in general.   Level 3 Rec Room
As soon as The Initiates entered the Rec Room on Level 3, three The True and Loyals (aka T&L)-affiliated security staff immediately attacked the Jedi. After incapacitating them and absorbing a few blaster shots with their bodies, the padawans found a datapad detailing plans to plant a bomb on the Jedi's ship, The Mynock's Wing.   Confirmation
When the party returned to the The Mynock's Wing, they found a T&L flunky planting a bomb on the hyperdrive, inside the ship. They captured him, tied him up, and locked him in the storage room on the ship before heading back to find Master Dal Konur (Thread 1.2.1: Alderaan Raiders). In the starboard hangar of the station, the party saw several TIE fighters, each with the T&L insignia emblazoned on it, confirming that the TIE attack when they arrived was conducted by the T&L. The security office on the same level was also full of T&L operatives who immediately attacked the padawans. They narrowly defeated them before rescuing Master Konur and leaving the station.


Forgotten Cargo
Upon arriving at Fresia and landing the ship at The Dock in the Northwest Coromons, the padawans - and Master Konur - heard a noise from the storage room. In the long journey from Carida to Fresia, they had somehow forgotten that they had captured a T&L operative. Master Konur, not thrilled about the turn of events, took the terrorist to the local authorities to turn him in.   Destroyer Destroyed
On their second night on Fresia, after Master Konur had left for Yavin IV (Thread 1.1.1: Trouble at the Praxeum), Tomla Niron and Rin Tos spot a suspicious speeder flying by, headed toward The Destroyer in the Northwest Coromons.   A few hours later, after rescuing Hus Jot from an attack by The Onyx Tigers assassins (Thread 1.3.1: The Reluctant Smuggler), the padawans see a massive explosion coming from The Destroyer and all three feel a sudden and terrible loss of life through their connection to the Force. A short time later they catch a holonews report about the bombing which states that The True and Loyals are claiming responsibility. They take The Mynock's Wing over to The Destroyer where they find Captain Jacob Jason. They give him some background on the T&L and search the scene, but aren't able to find anything meaningful.   Invasion
A week after the attack on The Destroyer, a full invasion force of T&L, led by the former Incom Corporation VP, Cidcreper, land at The Resort in Northwest Coromons during a national holiday and take the skeleton crew there hostage. The Initiates and Lyshea, with the help of the ISD and Captain Jason, are able to rescue the hostages and thwart the invasion, although Cidcreper and many T&L escape.
Plot type
Side Quest

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