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1L3-132, better known as simply L3 is a B1-series battle droid and one of the 4,700 remaining B1s within Colvatt Srotha's forces. He was constructed around 5337 by the Baktoid Combat Automata production line on Geonosis for use by the Confederacy of Independent Systems. L3 would serve as the common cannon fodder for the CIS much like the millions of his fellow B1s. L3 served under a number of different separatist leaders; Shu Mai, Wat Tambor and Admiral Trench were the three prior leaders he served under before being transferred to Trade Federation Commander, Colvatt Srotha.   L3's experience under Colvatt wasn't pleasant for him or his B1 brethren. The Neimoidian commander wanted everything done the way he wanted task completed the way he wanted them done. Methods that strayed from the way Colvatt wanted them completed were unacceptable even if other methods were efficient and more cost effective. The droid's opinions on the Trade Federation and the CIS as a whole would dramatically shift during their botched invasion of the Iarta System, a planetary system that was isolated from the rest of the galaxy in Wild Space. The conflict L3 would witness on the planet of Kaiyn was like no other battle he's fought in. Instead of facing off against another governement's army that utilized similar tactics to them such as throwing waves of soldiers towards the enemy, they fought against a coalition that was more keen on keeping it's soldiers safe and engaged them at longer distances. L3 knew that they were driving the North Damalayian Armed Forces back to the north but they were taking heavy casualties in the process; far more casualties than their enemy. Colvatt, the individual in charge of their operations on the planet flat out refused to adjust his tactics to the enemy. Attempts to persuade him to change his mind or adjust how his forces were conducting themselves resulted in getting denied and reminded that everything is going swimmingly. If pressed further, Colvatt would shift emotion and begin berating them and begin threatening to have them shut down, scrapped or have their memory banks wiped. His commander's refusal to shift tactics for this new type of warfare along with learning that the CIS's operations on the planet Stunaveen utterly backfired, L3 began loathing the organization. As the Damalayian Civil War dragged on, L3 choose to focus on what was best for the well being of himself and his B1 brethren than the whims of the CIS. Even when the war came to a close L3 still persisted on doing what was best for he and his brothers as they had lost so many during the war due to the CIS's poor choice of tactics and refusal to adjust. He even went so far as to lie to Colvatt himself about how he carried out his missions. If Colvatt suspected something was up, L3 was backed up by Spearhead who was the assigned super tactical droid to Colvatt's army.   The disgruntled battle droid begrudgingly continue to serve Colvatt despite his feelings towards him. L3 was absolutely sick of his Neimoidian commander but there was nothing he could really do besides suck it up and hope Colvatt doesn't catch on to his malingering. There was no place in could think of that would take in 4,700 old B1 battle droids; running away would of been futile as their commander would of just sent his loyal forces after them. Thankfully for them, their commander's wife would often stick up for them whenever she could but sometimes they had to just bear the torment. One day, an opportunity to finally escape once and for had shown itself. An Exodus Protection Corp shuttle had been shot down over the skies of South Damalay and from the aftermath a young boy had been captured by a detachment of Colvatt's droids. The boy was brought before Colvatt himself to be questioned and asked if he was willing to cooperate with them on a mission. The boy agreed and L3 was informed he would be leading his squad back to the crash site of one of the shuttle halves. L3 was able tp observe the boy from the rearview mirror of the truck he was driving. From his photoreceptors, he could see that the boy was initially being very complacent; he was giving them directions as best as he could remember and wasn't resisting them. However, L3 could tell that the boy was definitely plotting a move to escape but since he could relate to the kid, L3 didn't address him. L3 and his squad were ambushed by a band of Lurkers as soon as they approached the crash site. L3 and the boy who identified himself as Louis were the only survivors of the attack; the two of them introduced themselves and spoke about their motives before joining forces as they shared similar principles. The two of them would stick together for a considerable amount even managing to free two Exodus soldiers that were captured by Lurkers. When they arrived in North Damalay, they each gave statement on what had transpired before they were shipped back to Fort Sanctuary for a debriefing.   L3 would remain with Team Space for three and a half months while the three primary members of the group Louis, Bruzak Gor'Mul and Kosi-Jin Augara attended their basic combat training within Exodus. The Mon Calamari commander of Team Space, Senior Lieutenant Monia Rullen, permitted the B1 to stay on her ship during this time where she conversed with him along with Exodus Colonel, Khan Gideon and other top brass at Fort Sanctuary. They discussed about executing an operation in South Damalay to capture The Fortress from L3's former commander. All of them discussed every possible way they could carry out the operation even going so far as to account for any possible oversights or outcomes that may happen. L3 would feed them valuable information including entry/exit points, the number of remaining forces and supports that Colvatt has under his wing. The droid even stated that he and his fellow B1s wanted freedom from Colvatt and as such would be absent from the siege. This mission would be headed by Team Space who would assist a detachment of guerilla fighters from the South Damalayian Liberation Front in capturing the stronghold from them as they have been eyeing the place as an outpost for future operations in the region. L3 tagged along with Monia in her giving her information on where key targets would be located in the compound while the rest of her team arrived on the ground.  

Physical Appearance

L3, much like every B1-series battle droid has a very distinct look with an elongated head, slender neck, and a lanky humanoid body composed durasteel and another unknown metal alloy which makes him slightly more durable than the average B1. Unlike most droids of his type, L3 was designated as a sergeant which granted him painted markings to distinguish him from the regular infantry B1. He boasted calves, shoulders, sternum, chin and the top head panels of his body painted in a jungle green color. Since he was designated to be a squad leader to other battle droids, L3's programming was far more advanced compared to the other B1s alongside him. And lastly, L3's vocoder emitted the distinct high pitched voice spoken only by B1s.   Due to all the years of trekking around in the intense jungle climate of Kaiyn, the paint on L3's body is effected with weathering as well having a number of scratches and dents from ricocheting bullets impacting his frame. Fortunately for him thanks to regular treatment, his frame is clear of any rusting. However, he hasn't underwent a major overhaul since the Clone Wars due to alternatives priorities of his commander. This has resulted in his arm and leg joints having less articulation masking them more stiff. This issue was more apparent during his quest alongside Louis to reach the safety of North Damalay when it was harder for him to keep up with the boy due to his stiffen joints.  

Mental Characteristics & Attributes


B1 battle droids typically exhibit less cognitive function such as being easily distracted, not understanding many aspects spoken to them or just flat out making poor decisions that often lead to discourse; L3 isn't one of those battle droids. He displays higher cognitive function that is comparable to that of the clone troopers. His many years of experience fighting on the battlefields in uniform swarms to adapting to the harsh jungle of southern Kaiyn has combat hardened the droid making him far more capable of victory in a fight. L3 much like many of his fellow B1s ended up developing a personality quirk in his programming. His personality is that of serious, blunt bu caring combat veteran who just wants the best for those he cares about.

Interests & Dislikes

One of this droid's biggest interests would be to finally live a life of peace and quiet. L3 has been active for many years, having served a variety of different separatists leaders however Colvatt Srotha would be cemented in his mind for many reasons. Colvatt was notorious for caring about no one but himself. This Neimoidian treated his organic staff poorly but he treated his battle droids even worse. The droids that operated under Colvatt's authority were seen as even less than a peasant. L3 has witnessed many of those around him both droid and organic receive a verbal tirade, slew of insults and sometimes open threats of violence from their Neimoidian commander. L3 has even been on the receiving end of this verbal abuse a handful of times; often getting threatened with the thought of being scrapped to put him back in line. After enduring several years under the rule of the volatile Colvatt, L3 wants nothing more than to live a daily life devoid of verbal abuse with his B1 brothers.   L3's second biggest desire is the safety and wellbeing of his remaining 4,699 B1 battle droid brothers. When the Damalayian Civil War kicked off, the total number of B1 battle droids ranged in the 200,000s. However as the war dragged out, that high number of B1s dwindled more and more with each passing day. When the war came to a close and the years after rolled by, the B1s that survived the civil war had other problems to deal with such as the hostile Lurkers, the Ad'rann and Kai'zhuk tribals and their former allies, the Commune of South Damalay who saw them as a thorn in their side now. More B1s were taken out leaving only 4,700 left including L3. Losing so many of his brothers has left L3 immensely protective over the ones that remained often taking punishments instead of them even if it wasn't his fault. L3 wants nothing more than to find a save and secure place his brothers can stay permanently and live a happy life doing whatever they pleased. L3 and his brothers have often chattered and dreamt about living in what they only as the "Battle Droid Sanctuary" which is a place where thousands upon thousands of former separatist battle droids live a peaceful life doing whatever they pleased and help a single young man run a business. Neither L3 nor his fellow brothers can provide sufficient evidence for this sanctuary's existence so as far as they know that place is only a rumor.   One of L3's more smaller interests is the thought of what he would look like as an organic. He's often chatted about this thought with his fellow droids to which they would have a hard time figuring out since they've never given it any thought.   L3 dislikes people who are overly aggressive, narcissistic and arrogant. His dislike for people who show these personality traits are thanks to Colvatt. He couldn't be bothered to try and change how something thinks with any of these personality traits since Colvatt was very adamant about changing his demeanor. If someone is around him acting like this L3 will do his best to remove himself from the area as far away from the person. If he's conversing with anyone like this, he'll do whatever he can to once again remove himself from the area but if he can't he'll simply tell the person he doesn't care about what they think.  

Mental Trauma

Do droids feel the same mental defects as a sentient being? That's a question that is often asked by psychiatrists around the Iarta system. L3 has suffered dozens of years of verbal abuse from Colvatt often getting threatened and openly insulted by the Neimoidian. Even though L3 lacks the facial muscles to display true expression, he has openly discussed with Louis his wishes later in life such as wanting peace from scrutiny and verbal abuse. His biggest glimmers of hope are the members of Team Space who view him as an equal to a sentient being unlike his former leader who views him as worse than dirt itself.  

Knowledge & Skills


"Cherish those you care for the most because one day you may never see them again."
― L3 conversing with Louis during a late night
  L3, being the battle droid he has, hasn't attended a formal school due to obvious reasons. However there is a different kind of education L3 does possess and that's combat experience and life mottos. L3 has been active since the year 5337; having fought in several battles over the years even getting decommissioned one time before being rebuilt. When he arrived in Kaiyn, L3 had to adapt his combat abilities to suit the long range engagements that were being carried out instead of the intense swarm waves famous of the CIS. L3 being a B1 battle droid, he's seen many of his brothers neutralized, crushed, blown up, and sliced up in the field. Seeing many of his brothers get put out of order has taught him to live in the moment and care for those still with him. L3 may be a battle droid with an emotionless face and monotone vocoder but that doesn't mean he can't have feelings too. 

Blaster Skills

L3's blaster skills are above average to say the least. He's by no means a sharpshooter but he's able to shot a blaster better than most people. The blaster L3 is vastly familiar with is the standard droid E-5 blaster rifle and the SE-14 blaster pistol. L3 knows how to strip those two blaster down and piece them back together within a short amount of time. He's also learned how to regulate blaster shots as a means to not overheat the unit, a habit that pairs well with the E5 that is known for getting excessively hot due after prolonged use.

Driving Skills

Upon arriving in the Iarta system to the planet of Kaiyn, L3 has to teach himself how to operate the different types of vehicles present on the planet in his free time. He never had to do such a thing during his time in the wider galaxy but when he came to Kaiyn it was almost mandatory since many of their specialty transports such as the Multi Troop Transport and Platoon Attack Craft were targeted heavily by enemy air and artillery forces. These wheeled vehicles that littered the separatist controlled areas once were more discreet, quieter and faster than the vehicles provided by the CIS aside from the STAP.

Firearm Skills

L3 hasn't shot many firearms even during his time on the surface of Kaiyn. He's far more familiar with blasters and since he is, he would prefer using them over a firearm. He knows how one operate and knows how to field strip a few such as the DSSAF LRRA1, CSE STR D21 and the Becker EZ Fire pistol.

Melee Skills

L3 isn't the best in close quarters melee compared to his ranged abilities. He is able to wield basic melee weapons such as daggers, batons and hand axes comfortably however anything two handed or heavier will complicate his prowess. 

Unarmed Skills

His melee skills may not be the best but his unarmed skills are rather decent to say. Being made of durasteel, L3's punches and kicks hit pretty hard and his metallic body would make it painful for a vast majority of people to throw blows back at him. L3 hasn't really practiced much of his unarmed abilities but has told Louis that he is more than capable of putting the average sentient being on the ground easily.

Personal Info

Date of Construction
29 Kle-Yen 5337
Date of Destruction
17 Vraxo 5343 (rebuilt)
Baktoid Combat Automata
Product Line
B1-series battle droid
Battle droid
Droid Degree


Masculine programming
143 Ibs
Plating Color
Beige with jungle green secondary colors
Photoreceptor Color
Body Type
Skeletal like frame

Military Service

Confederacy of Independent Systems
Separatist Droid Army
Years of Service
Battles & Wars
The Clone Wars
Damalayian Civil War
Damalayian Separatist Defense against Lurkers


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