Session 01: Anybody lose a mimic?

General Summary

Roku and Kade learned from AssVeep Kirsa Hawking that Blake Solas had promised him their ship as a way of paying off her debts. Roku was able to get Hawking to agree to let them have their ship back and consider Solas' debt settled if they agreed to take a shipment of Fungal Body extract to Silvana. Kade has an immediate issue with this, as Fungal Bodies are like catnip to void worms, and this is void worm territory. Roku realizes they need to recruit Blake Solas' help to get through the void worm ranges.   It takes a little doing, but Roku convinces Blake by agreeing to help her get to a settlement where she can board a ship out of the Fool's Straits Sector. The journey is going well for the first leg, except when they emerge from their first FTL transit at the first anchorage, they encounter a large robotic structure consuming an asteroid and producing robotic space fighters. Roku points out that there is a secret outpost near here belonging to the transhumanist healer order The Sacred Ascendency. Kade gets really cagey and then realizes that this threat is Mimic, a rogue AI that the Sacred Ascendency has, um, misplaced.   Kade has Zigy call Cassius O'Brien and let him know that they've found Mimic. He gives them coordinates to a halfway meeting point. They start heading that way after recharging the eidolon drive.   They don't make it more than a few parsecs before they are pulled out of transit by a swarm of Mimic's fighters. Mimic hails the ship and assumes a deep-fake projection of Kade while talking to her. Mimic recognizes and remembers Kade and taunts them about its perceived desire of hers to join them. Kade gets annoyed and makes a crack about how all the Ascendency members just can't stop wondering about it, but fine, yes, she and Cassius did hook up once, happy now?   Kade hangs up on Mimic and the fight is on! A desperate battle to escape the swarm of fighter ensues, forcing Kade and Roku to actually work together for the first time in their week-long association. They manage, by the skin of their teeth, to defeat all the fighters, in a battle that takes them to the rocky planetoid Silex.

Vibe Check

  Things are still tense between Roku and Kade, but the dogfight against Mimic's fighters breaks a little bit of the tension in their relationship. Roku finally gets to see firsthand what an incredible pilot and gunner Kade is, and Kade gets to see that Roku's smarty-pants nerd skills do come in handy in a tight spot, especially as Roku is able to stay cool under pressure. Kade also didn't miss the part where Roku isn't half-bad as a pilot.    All the same, Kade still resents Roku for taking Cygnus away from them, and so she still stops herself when she goes to high-five Roku after they destroy the last spacefighter. On his end, Roku has reached a point where he views Kade with professional respect and appreciation for her many obvious skills. Things are still awkward between them, but they're no longer as openly contentious.
17 Aprion 212 15:52 - 18 Aprion 212 1:23
Report Date
12 Oct 2022
Primary Location
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