Penitential Regency of Redwall

    Where the Brightfyre Federation may be the beating heart of Stormlight, The Penitential Regency of Redwall makes up its soul. A theocracy, the people of Redwall refused to call any living or dead creature king, emperor, or lord, and swore fealty to the Gods only. Pilgrims traverse the entire continent to pray at The Meeting of the Pantheon within The Scarlet Sepulcher, seeking enlightenment and hope in their darkest hours. Some few undeniably leave with the favor of the gods.   To grow up within the Regency is to live a life not specifically devoted to faith, but ideology and wisdom. Priests, prophets, hermits, and wise men regularly challenge the ideas of others to inspire greater conviction in their beliefs. While the city of Redwall may be considered the holiest of sites, the people living within its influence are not slaves to its holdings. As a country where the only central authority are priests and bishops, matters of law are often decided within the community with the consent of a priest. More severe crimes are left to the many paladin orders that make their home in the boundaries of Redwall, always searching for new opportunities to gain the favor of the gods.


The leadership of the Penitential Regency is made up of an elected High Deacon, supported by the five Bishops who speak for the gods. The Bishops are elected by the priests of their respective gods, and are subjected to spend most of their time attempting to commune and understand the will of their specific god to better advise the High Deacon, who acts mainly as a political figure. Priests often train missionaries and servicemen to perform menial tasks for them while they work to enlighten the populace around them to better see the world as the gods have made it. Against monsters and beasts, however, the priests have no defense, and rely upon the bulwark of paladin and clerical orders to tend to those threats.


A philosopher's culture. To understand one's self is to understand the gods a little better.


Paladin, Clerical, and Knightly Orders are sent to deal with most issues.

Technological Level

Sitting on no great hoard of iron or precious metals, the Regency relies on wood and stone for their buildings and most simple instruments, although this does not mean they have been without fine metals. With so many pilgrims going to and from the Regency, many have left unique devices scattered around that have recirculated through all of Redwall.


The Pantheon is respected equally.
Founding Date
0 A.S.
Geopolitical, Theocracy
Alternative Names
The Regency, Redwall
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Government System
Major Exports
Copper, Spices, Glass, Silk
Major Imports
Food, Iron, Wine