The Heartlands

A Lawless Land

  Even at the borders of the Brightfyre Federation or the Free Palatine, where mankind is not vigilant in keeping its borders, evil will eventually creep in to push them back. In the center of the Heartlands, borders are simply the extent of what someone can reasonably defend. Cattle drivers and farmers have had no shortage of dealings with bandits or goblins, and this results in a much hardier people compared to those that enjoy the comforts of guards to summon to action. This does not mean that the Heartlands are without some semblance of justice, however. Those with the coin can hire Vulcan's Reavers, a mercenary group operating within the center of the region.


The Heartlands make up the central region of Stormlight, consisting mostly of uncontested lands or those at the borders of existing, growing nations. The region, with its occasional rainfall, is relatively verdant and full of wildlife. Deer, rabbit, wolves, horse, turkey, and geese are common sights. Agriculture, especially corn farming, is particularly fruitful in this area. The landscape features of the Heartlands include rolling hills, scattered buttes, rocky outcrops, small stands of timber, and deep, unexplored forests. Ranches, farms, and small homesteads dot the otherwise untamed land. There is little fortune to be found elsewhere here, save for the rumors of long dead mines in the area.


The temperate, predictable climate of the Heartlands makes it a suitable home for all races. Despite its fertility, however, living there is considered a calculated risk. As much of the land has gone without the touch of unified civilization so long, much is taken over by desperate bandits and hungering monsters. Those that can create a formidable foundation here can survive for generations. Those who travel alone and unprepared, however, tend to leave the Heartlands with empty pockets or in a monsters stomach. With miles inbetween the occasional farm, ranch or isolated inn, travelers are expected to be on their best behavior if they wish to shelter under a generous patrons safe roof.
Forest, Temperate (Seasonal)
Included Organizations
Contested By