Republic of Larendar Organization in T'bet Dal | World Anvil
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Republic of Larendar

Although considered by some to be part of the infamous Shattered Kingdoms, Larendar is a relatively old, stable, and prosperous land  


The Larendan Circle is the nation's governing body. The capital of each póngló (province) chooses a Prer Tegí (Prime Ambassador) to serve on the Prer Dagnur (Prime Table) over the rest of the representatives. From there, each city with a population above 10,000 sends its own Tegí, which is meant to vote in the interests of the people of that city.  


Sharing a long coastline with the Nódlólsó (Warm Wave) Ocean, smuggling and raiding are not all that uncommon.  


In order to join the Laren Army, a man or woman must first serve in the city guard for a number of months (usually nine) in order to receive the necessary training and discipline. This has the added benefit of weeding out those who are incapable of following orders. In recent years, with the Revenge for Froañó military campaign heating up, the Larendan Circle has decided to reduce the amount of training needed to just three months.   Benefits for those who volunteer include guaranteed daily meals and a roof to sleep under. So, much of the impoverished population has taken advantage of this. Those that climb the ranks may even be offered a modest piece of land in the newly formed Póngló of Crecimiento.  


The Prarcís Family

This old-blooded noble family from the previous kingdom still has a stranglehold on the majority of the mining operations that take place in the mountains. Their family manor is in Tajenal.  


To the distress of many, the Larendan Circle maintains a ban on the worship of almost all deities. It does not deny the existence of the Prime Hieron; instead, it condemns those that worship them.  

Myths, Folklore, & Legends

Laren, after whom the landmass of Larendar is named, is thought to be an ancient martyr that stood up to incredible foes like giants and dragons. Centuries after his death, his tale was instrumental in motivating the people under the rule of the Prónfan Kingdom to rebel. In the present day, he is seen as a sort of 'saint' who protects Larendar from the wrath of the dead Prónfan royals that were killed in the rebellion.  


The Larendan economy is based on a variety of goods and services. Cattle raising and agriculture make up the bulk of the population's work, but mining has become more and more lucrative since the discovery of tin, silver, zinc, and lapis lazuli in the mountains dotting the Larengo and Tajenal pónglós. In coastal cities, fishing has always been a steady source of food and income. Exotic goods, such as venom from deadly snakes, or the chitin from giant scorpions, are also in high demand among certain circles.  


Flora & Fauna







Larendar stretches over approximately 683 thousand square miles. About 100 thousand of these are occupied by the Tlincalli clans.  


The majority of the population speaks Prónfa, the language of the now deconstructed Prónfan Kingdom. However, the use of 'Common' has been spreading like wildfire; it allows for easier communication with the rest of the world and makes trade much easier. As such, it is very common in port cities like Cuestan Ibér or Cuestan Laujentó.  



According to the Order of Chroniclers, the first settlements on the subcontinent that would come to be known as Larendar were established thousands of years ago by the "Prónfa" people. However, they also claim that the clans of Tlincalli that now roam the arid wastes may have been there sometime before. The lack of civil communication with these clans has made determining this difficult. In any case, the Prónfan people spread out across much of the land and began building minuscule villages that would eventually perish or become magnificent cities.   An important figure that surfaced near the end of this period of history was Dantíl Sunderís. She was an expert in farming the poor terrain for maximum effect. She taught her large extended family the techniques best suited for arid land, and sent them far and wide to different settlements. Soon, much of the population respected the Sunderís family and their expertise in making the best of the relatively resource-poor landscape. The people were quick to elevate Dantíl and her family to a status loosely resembling nobility. In fact, they ruled a respectable lakeside town by the name of Tajenal 'from the front,' constantly leading by example and helping those who asked.  

Expansion into the Prónfan Kingdom

Known locally as the Prónfamí, the Prónfan Kingdom came to be soon after Dantíl's death by old age. The influence of the Sunderís family continued expanding from valued skills to resources. They had the loyalty of the merchants of Tajenal; therefore, they could stream (or block) vital assets toward their preferred subjects. When a new city was founded, it was likely done so with the advice and permission of the large Sunderís family. Soon, they had pseudo-control over much of the landmass.  

Subjugation by the Antaeran Empire

Fortunately for the fledgling kingdom, Prónfamí was spared from much of the atrocities that the Antaeran Empire became known for. Instead, the empire recognized how difficult building a civilization in Larendar's harsh environment would be and commended the Sunderís family for their endurance. They proposed an alliance in which the family would marry into the empire and share the sorcerous bloodlines that they had access to in exchange for 'partial' control over their kingdom. Although many of his ancestors would have denied the offer, Partud Sunderís accepted out of both fear and his own thirst for arcane power. The empire would allow the Sunderís family to govern as they wished for many centuries, with the exception of a small vassal of the empire soon to be named Dhyrre.  

The Antaeran War

At the time of the Antaeran War, Ralorine Sunderís, the Queen of Prónfan, was one of the few leaders of the world that chose to stay loyal to The Antaeran Empire during the bloody conflict. Even when the tide turned, and the Empire went entirely on the defensive, Sunderís refused to give in to her advisors' requests to support the rebellion. The exact reasons for this are unknown due to her suicide at the end of the war, but it is likely due to her family's widely known ties to the nobility of Antaer. On the other hand, her supporters claimed that she believed her Kingdom could not survive without support from the Antaerans.  

Postwar Prónfan

After the Antaeran War, Prónfan was in a complicated political position. Having remained neutral versus the Antaeran Empire, many of their enemies saw them as a remnant of the empire, needing destruction before true peace was possible. However, Prónfan had not sustained the damage the war had caused and, therefore, was one of the strongest, wealthiest, and generally most powerful nations on Iave.   Knowing that this status would change quickly as the other nations gained their balance, they made as many alliances as they possibly could. Nearly every neighboring nation, even those that would be of little assistance, found themselves being gently coerced into long alliances with the Prónfan crown.   For over 300 years, Prónfan persisted past the Antaeran Empire, avoiding conflict by using smaller nations as a buffer versus the alliances that sought their eventual destruction.  


This is where Larendar, as we know it today, comes into play. It is a relatively young nation that was forged after a successful revolution against the Prónfan Kingdom. This revolution was expected to be a long, bloody affair; instead, King Lhoris Sunderís made just a few tremendous mistakes, leading to a quick defeat. For example, against the wishes of his military advisors, he recalled nearly all of his sworn swords to defend his capital city of Tajenal.   In addition, the revolution gained significant, unexpected support from Dusere in the form of magically trained special troops, economic stimulation, and dissuading many of the Prónfan Crown's alliances from acting against the revolution.   As a result, the numerous countries that the Prónfan crown had made treaties with many years prior were acted on very minorly. Many nations ignored their previous agreements due to the terrifying prospect of war with Dusere. Those nations that did act only did so through small actions like sending only food.  


Larendar is one of the few places you can find Hill Dwarves. Unlike their boulder-born cousins, who dwell in magnificent flouting cities of the Contortan Union, these dwarves can often be found living and working on their own land, doing anything from running their own small mine to cattle driving.  


The Republic of Larendar maintains a population of around 10,518,000; 51% Humans, 39% Dwarves, 6% elves, 4% other species. Inside their territory, the Arid Wastes supports a population of Tlincalli clans-people estimated to number around a million.  


The vast majority of the population is spread across seven regions. There are thousands of isolated farms and ranches that the censuses don't reach; these contain maybe 210,000 people. The vast majority of people (about 9,361,000) are spread across the landmass in villages, with another 631,000 in towns. About 315,000 can be found in cities, 32,849 of which are located in the city of Dhyrre alone.  

Kicking an Anthill

Unbeknownst to the Larendan government, the Lizardfolk population is skyrocketing and has reached 5 million, which may rival that of "civilized" folk very soon. 00% asdf. In addition, under their control, the "Arid Wastes" hide a veritable swath of arable land made so by an unnamed watershed.  


Larendar is separated into seven different pónglós, all but two of which are named after their capital city. These regions vary greatly in population, economy, and power.  


The Póngló of Larengo is the second youngest of all. It is home to the capital of Larendar: Larengo. Although it is not the wealthiest, nor most populace póngló, it is the most influential by virtue of its religious significance, historical notoriety, and governmental prevalence.  


Once much larger and the seat of the Prónfan Kingdom, Tajenal is much less influential than its prior state. Despite this, it is still likely the wealthiest póngló. This is owed to the mountains rich with metals and resources coveted by the rest of the world. This draws many jobs and fuels much of the nation's economy. Should these mountains ever be tapped dry, Larendar as a whole would be gravely wounded.  


With sanction from the Larendan Circle, the entire Póngló of Proaño is under a state of martial law since the destruction of its capital city: Froañó. This event kicked off a military campaign versus the Tlincalli clans believed to have perpetrated the attack. The town of Tuertet (which is mostly populated by asdf) is kept under a very watchful eye. Froañó is almost entirely devoted, in many different ways, to the Laren Fleets and Army.  


Initially settled by the Antaeran Empire, the Póngló of Dhyrre is the oldest and considered the most prosperous and peaceful póngló. It shares no border with the Arid Wastes; as such, it rarely deals with its unsavory inhabitants.  


One of the more prosperous regions, benefiting greatly from importation and trade with other countries. The long, relatively unprotected border with the Arid Wastes has been a growing concern, though.  


This 'póngló' is the youngest; cut from Larengó and Ibér, It has been split up into thousands of small properties meant to be given to soldiers and sailors in the army and navy. The people of Grepud reside on their own small ranches or are part of small thorps and villages. As such, it is structured in a way that it will likely never have a seat in the Larendan Circle.  

Arid Wastes

The largest but least populated of the pónglós. It doesn't have any representatives in the Larendan Circle. It is mainly inhabited by Tlincalli Clans.

Plada na ajtróñe turan dó ód fludenda. (Freedom from tyranny is our only wish.)

Laws of the Republic

The Yónman of each settlement (appointed by the leading Faddríd) is given the authority to enforce (and under certain circumstances bend) the law for the safety of the city or town's civilians.   All peoples (citizens or no) are subject to the Republic's laws and punishments so long as they are within their borders.   For crimes committed against government officials or law enforcement, punishments may be multiplied depending on the severity of harm done.


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