Seas of Iave in T'bet Dal | World Anvil
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Seas of Iave

Collectively known as the Teeming Seas, the seas of Iave are diverse and dangerous.   The two largest seas are the STÎLTÎU SEA and ALSHELA SEA. Both are situated south of Ïural and are frequently traveled by soldiers and traders alike.   Once mistaken for a lake, the SIROCANE BRINE is situated between the nations of Dhaaros and Illhuros.   Contained almost entirely within the territory of the Uksar Triarchy, is the HRÚMAÎAN SEA.   Going further south, between the subcontinents of East Treinn and Hrúmaî, one might find the incorrectly named SEA OF MARUVIA, once rumored to be home to the mythical nation of Maruvia.   Leading to one of the biggest cities in the world, Zenith, is the TAGARTON GULF.   Passing the natural island defenses ruled by the Kingdom of Touhm, one will find the CRESTFALL SEA, where countless nations have held doomed naval battles.   Sailing south still, one must pass through the SERPENT'S SWAY, named for the frequent turns a ship must make, into the SILVER STRAIGHT.


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