Session 1 - "Menace Under Otari - Part 1"

General Summary

If you have a job in Otari, it either has to do with lumber or fish. The regular jobs are all populated by longtime residents and in some cases even get passed down within families (father to son, etc.).   There is other work in Otari, though it is often seasonal or one-off:   Wrin - Kaliff and Kalitos
The Raiboren brothers have have been in Otari for at least a year, and at some point, they became friends with Wrin Sivinxi. While eccentric, she is also patient, and can discuss most topics. Wrin's Wonders has become the group’s sort of "unofficial" hang.   Amongst many things, Wrin has a bit of an obsession with tea, and she usually hosts the group to a weekly tea party - Hang out, drink weird tea, shoot the shit, etc.   When times have been especially hard, she has provide opportunities to make a coin (never a charity, always a job), whether that be for her, or introducing you to another community member that had a paying job.   Few days ago Wrin had confided in the brothers that there is something in the air, something in the way the stars have been aligning makes her think that a test is coming. Moreover, Ehrn and Tristan have been thinking that it is time to hang up the sword and armor, and live a normal life. "I fear that they are making the wrong decision, and their skills will yet be needed. One day they will get what they seek, but that day is not now." She also shares that she had a strange dream where the stars were different, misaligned, and not in their right places.   "Just an FYI dear, Tamily has been looking for you all, some kind of job, so you may want to find your friends. Opportunity knocks! Oh yes!" She hands Kalitos a small leather pouch with coins. "The Stars told me you may find this useful for a friend in need." She winks at them and shoos them off…   Gozran 26 4721 AR, Springtime
Ilvashti Street
The town is getting ready for the Founder's Day Festival, taking place in a week's time. Dedicated to the founders of the time, organized by the Roseguard. Otari, town named after, was also part of the Guard. Scene opens up on the busy activity on Ilvashti Street.   Ehrn and Tristan approach Blades for Glades, the blacksmith in town run by Carman Rajani, arguing about Tristen selling his equipment to support their family.   Zor'ahn, approached by Tamily, who tells him that something is eating the fish in their underground warehouse at the fishery and she would like his help. Giant centipedes suddenly attack as the the party gathers together. The monstrous insects have been popping up around town lately. Zor'ahn gives Kalitos a book, and Kalitos gives Tristan Wrin's bag. Tristan tells him he is not looking for a handout, but Kalitos replies he's making a delivery, not giving charity.   Otari Fishery
The party makes their way to the fishery and see all the preparations being done for the upcoming festival. After confirming what Tamily is asking for, she agrees to pay each person 10gp and serve fish stew now.   4.00p
After eating, the adventures visit with Grog the cook in the kitchen who gives them key to the basement door. They use it and go downstairs.   4.10p
The party descends the stairs into a finished and well kept, but dark, basement. Several barrels of salted fish have been smashed open, their contents scattered about and eaten. There are visible rocks on the floor from a hole, or cave in, on the eastern wall. As they approach the opening, a strange chittering sound comes of the hole and a rat the size of a dog attacks...  

Report Date
14 Jan 2024
Primary Location


Abandoned Fishing Camp
Building / Landmark | May 3, 2024
Settlement | Jun 11, 2024
Blades for Glades
Building / Landmark | May 22, 2024
Brelda Venkervale
Character | Jun 11, 2024
Captain Lardus Longsaddle
Character | Jun 11, 2024
Carman Rajani
Character | Jun 11, 2024
Channel Protection Amulet
Item | Sep 13, 2024
Species | Sep 24, 2024
Crook's Nook
Building / Landmark | Jun 11, 2024
Crow's Casks
Building / Landmark | May 19, 2024
Geographic Location | Sep 14, 2024
Dawnflower Library
Building / Landmark | Jun 19, 2024
Denizen of Leng
Species | May 19, 2024
Geographic Location | Jun 19, 2024
Founder's Day - 3 Denus
Tradition / Ritual | Jun 10, 2024
Gallentine Deliveries
Building / Landmark | May 22, 2024
Gauntlight Keep
Building / Landmark | Sep 15, 2024
Species | Aug 22, 2024
Giant Centipede
Species | Apr 25, 2024
Giant Fly
Species | Aug 28, 2024
Giant Rat
Species | May 19, 2024
Giant Scorpion
Species | Aug 27, 2024
Giant Spider
Species | Aug 22, 2024
Giant's Wheel
Building / Landmark | May 22, 2024
Character | Jun 19, 2024
Green Dragon
Species | Jun 16, 2024
Greg Giles
Character | May 22, 2024
Item | Jun 11, 2024
Geographic Location | May 19, 2024
James Morlibint
Character | Jun 11, 2024
Keeleno Lathenar
Character | Jun 11, 2024
Klorte Hengus
Character | May 22, 2024
Species | Aug 22, 2024
Lumber Flume
Building / Landmark | May 22, 2024
Character | May 19, 2024
Mayor Oseph Menhemes
Character | Jun 19, 2024
Species | Aug 22, 2024
Species | Sep 11, 2024
Character | Sep 14, 2024
Odd Stories
Building / Landmark | Jun 11, 2024
Character | May 19, 2024
Osprey Club
Organization | May 22, 2024
Otari Fishery
Building / Landmark | May 22, 2024
Otari Garrison
Building / Landmark | Jun 11, 2024
Otari Graveyard
Building / Landmark | Jun 19, 2024
Otari Market
Building / Landmark | May 22, 2024
Organization | Jun 10, 2024
Rowdy Rockfish
Building / Landmark | May 22, 2024
Ruins of the Thirsty Alpaca
Building / Landmark | Jun 11, 2024
Species | Jun 17, 2024
Species | Sep 14, 2024
Species | Aug 14, 2024
Smoking Sword
Item | Sep 14, 2024
Item | Aug 22, 2024
Stone Ring Pond
Building / Landmark | Jun 11, 2024
Tamily Tanderveil
Character | Apr 23, 2024
The Roseguard Chronicles
Document | Jun 11, 2024
Geographic Location | Jun 11, 2024
Vandy Banderdash
Character | Jun 19, 2024
Web Lurker
Species | Apr 22, 2024
Species | Sep 14, 2024
Character | May 22, 2024
Wrin Sivinxi
Character | Aug 16, 2024
Wrin's Wonders
Building / Landmark | Jun 19, 2024
Character | May 22, 2024
Species | Sep 15, 2024
Species | Jun 17, 2024