
Scrag is a kobold that was found living in the Undertown with the remains of the Sootscale tribe. While the leader of the tribe, Zolgran, and the other kobolds sought to raise dragons in a plot to destroy Otari, Scrag considering having the egg of the green dragon, Threshpahn, a blessing. However he admitted the wrymling itself was too far gone and would only kill whenever given the chance.   When asked, Scrag says that he only wants to take the egg he carries far from civilization where it can be raised without learning to hate anyone and can be kept safe. The party allows the kobold to leave the Undertown with instructions to seek out Greg Giles at the Otari Garrison if he every needs any help, along with a sling for the egg and some coin.
Current Status
Protecting the "Blessing"
Gold, reptilian
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light green
Currently Location