Session 2 - "Menace Under Otari - Part 2"

General Summary

Gozran 26 4721 AR, Springtime
Otari Fishery
Kalitos moves forward and engages one giant rat, seeing that there are four in total. A rat moves and attacks. Tristen advances but is unable to land a blow and raises his shield. Kaliff throws an electric arc. Zor'ahn strides forward and marks his prey. A rat attempts to move past Tristan and he strikes it down. One rat runs off. Ehrn steps and savagely cuts another down with her glaive. The remaining rat squeaks and rushes forward at Tristen, ripping into him with its jaws. Kalitos pins the last right to ground with his dueling sword.   Examining the fallen wall shows that it caved into the room, however there appears to be tool marks on the cave side. It's obvious that the fish barrels themselves have been broken open, not gnawed, and are largely empty.   Down the tunnel is a 10 foot drop.   Recreating the scene, Zor'ahn deduces that four small humanoids with bare, clawed feet caused the destruction. Kaliff tries several treats, but is unsuccessful.   4.40p
Tristen holds a rope and Zor'ahn climbs down the drop off. Down below he sees a passage clogged with old webs, the rat that ran off caught within them, dead. A dim, bluish light glows behind. A massive spider with dripping fangs sudden skitters at him.   Tristen drops the rope and quickly climbs down and rushes the creature and viciously impales it with his bastard sword. Zor'ahn immediately examines the corpse and determines that the giant spider is rare, but known to be a cave spider that mates for life. Zor'ahn indicates to Tristen that there should be one more spider and to bring fire. Ehrn returns with a lit torch and passes it to Tristen. The rest of the party climbs down.   Tristen kneels down sets the webbing alight and Kaliff heal Kalitos.   Undertown
Burning through the webs reveals the faint bluish glow emanating from the northwest. Kaliff casts mystic armor in preparation. To the northwest is an alcove with a thick bundle of webbing. Zor'ahn has trouble finding the tracks again, but he notices that the bundle of bones and skin in the webbing is reptilian in nature, probably a kobold. Within the bundle is a finely crafted shortsword and a healing potion.   5.10p
Down the passage is a crude barricade made of barrels and wooden planks. The source of the light is found to be a phosphorescent mushroom, a natural phenonium for underground caves. The passage continues southwest and the party continues cautiously. As it turns south, the faint sound of metal scraping on metal floats faintly in. The floor becomes old, worked stone that leads to a closed worn, wooden door to the east.   5.20p
The party comes together to plan their next moves as Kaliff heals Tristan. It is decided to press forward and see what lays beyond the door. Zor'ahn uses a shadowy hand to open the door. Within beyond a drop off is an altar with a giant squid statue with tentacles reaching towards the ceiling. A scum covers everything except for a silver bowl with clear liquid in it. Zor'ahn lifts the bowl with his shadow hand and brings it over. The bowl is unadorned and appears to hold water. Magic radiates in the area. Kaliff believes the altar is to Gozreh, god of nature and fury of the ocean. Zor'ahn replaces the bowl and the party moves on.   5.30p
Further south there is a break in the wall and Zor'ahn begins to hear the sound of chittering. A group of kolbolds is busily attempting to open a wooden door.   Kalitos throws a dagger from the shadows and strikes a kobold. Another moves off and Zor'ahn charges saying, "Only death comes to you from the shadows," and savages one. Another moves on Zor'ahn and they to press an advantage against the elf, but they are unable. Kaliff dazes one of the creatures visible to him. The daggered kobold staggers over and spears Zor'ahn. Another slings stones at Tristan, but misses entirely. Ehrn steps into the room and the air detectably cools and icy precipitation begins swirling around her. Tristen moves in and cuts one of the lizards down.   Kalitos moves into the room and blindly strikes into the shadows and cuts down a kolbold flanking Zor'ahn, who cuts the other down. Kaliff moves into the room and ignites a kobold cowering in the corner. He fires two bolts at Tristen, but misses wildly. Ehrn steps to the lizard and cleaves him in half. With a glance, she stares murder at the remaining kolbold, freezing him in place. Tristan steps to the quaking creature and strikes it down.   5.40p
Kaliff picks the lock on the southern door while Zor'ahn searches the bodies, who finds they all carry a bluish reptilian scale, bigger than that of a kobold, and a salted fish. He believes that it came from a really big kobold or a large snake perhaps. Within the room are a stack of crates and a barrel with a few treasures.   5.51p
The stone door to the northwest does not appear locked, beyond which is a short hall and another door. The party returns to the barricade to see if that is how the kolbolds might have gained entry into the area, however there is no available egress. Upon closer inspection, Ehrn puzzles out that the barricade was built from this side. The party discusses ways to make the barrier more permanent.   6.01p
The party returns back to the unopened door. A pressure plate is found within the passage that appears to trigger something in the ceiling, and Kaliff narrowly disables it. Beyond is a long room with two statues of priests and of a large man with palms up and nine coins on the altar, probably Abadar, gold of wealth and civilization. The only temple in town is to Sarenrae at the Dawnflower Library.  

Wealth Puzzle
"In my hands I judge the value of all wealth, raising up whichever is greater. One of these coins is a deception. Find it using only two judgments and receive my blessing."

Report Date
28 Jan 2024
Primary Location
Secondary Location