South End Settlement in Tales of Faerun | World Anvil

South End

While similar to the Northrow, the South End of Heliogabalus (known as Southie to its inhabitants) features fewer adventurers and businesses catering to them. As a result, it is a little quieter, and long-time adventurers now in retirement sometimes end up here. In addition, the South End is the center of arcane study in the city, and even boasts an elven neighborhood, centered around the Seldrinar, a temple to the elven gods.


South End is home to the elven neighborhood ingeniously called Elventown.



South End is well represented on the Council of Guilds and has six seats for the Brewer's Guild, Dyers' Guild, Crier's Guild, the Astrologers' Consortium, The Order of Apothecaries and Physicians and the Magician's Guild.   Like every district in Heliogabalus, the real leaders of the district are the dozens of unnamed bureaucrats who work in the district administration office, and like most other districts, Tightpurse has a significant presence in the administration and guard offices. While the guild leaders of the district technically have oversight of the administration office, none of the guilds know enough about operations to effectively question the bureaucrats. South End is a bit better off than the other districts since the Magicians' and Physicians' Guilds tend to have a better handle on things, and the Criers' Guild usually has a good idea of the real story.

Industry & Trade

Main Industries

The South End is the arcane center of Heliogabalus and hosts the Magician's Guild, the Astrologer's Guild, and the Apothecaries Guild. It boasts more apothecaries, alchemists, physicians (including veterinarians) and arcanists than any other district.   The Brewer's Guild and the Dyer's Guild employ many South End residents.


Town/District Guard

Leader: Falereth Angelthorn, Captain of the Southguard     Sergeant Daven Perol commands the day watch, while Sergeant Tynor Dugas commands the night watch.

Guilds and Factions

Important People

  • Moonmistress Adelasia (Elfmarked female cleric of Selune)
  • High Magistress Carinne Saedryil (human female cleric of Mystra). High Priestess of the Open Spellbook.
  • Kymorel (elven male astrologer, guildmaster of the Astrologers' Consortium)
  • Lareene Frandur (Guildmaster of the Brewers' Guild)



Six neighborhoods make up the district of Southie. The entire district is bordered on the west by the Southgreen, a large natural area with some small farms, wooded areas and a few businesses. It is considered one of the sites to see when traveling to Heliogabalus.   Elventown. A neighborhood of predominantly elves and half-elves. Elventown stretches onto Southgreen. It sports traditional elven tree-homes on the green homes and a small "forest of towers" in the center of the district.     Moonlight. Home to Moonlight Hall, temple of Selune. Moonlight is mainly a residential neighborhood.     Wizard's Way. Home to the Graymalkin Academy, Heliogabalus' mages' guild and many businesses catering to mages and sages.     Brewhearth. Home to the Brewers' Guild and Dyers' Guild. The homes in Brewhearth tend to be simpler and smaller than the rest of Southie.     South End Center. Each district in Heliogabalus has a center where the district's administrative offices, etc. can are located.     Southgate Village. Right inside the Southgate, the Village is the hot spot in the district.    



Political and Government

  • 35. South End Administration (South End Center)
  • 36. South End Tax Assessor's (South End Center)
  • 37. South End Courthouse (South End Center)
  • 38. South End Watch Office (South End Center)

Temples and Institutions

  • 13. Moonlight Hall. Temple to Selune. (Moonlight)
  • 19. The Open Spellbook. Temple to Mystra. (Wizard's Way)

Guilds and Industry

  • 2. Order of Apothecaries and Physicians. (Elventown)
  • 14. Astrologer's Consortium. (Moonlight)
  • 27. Brewer's Guildhall (Brewhearth)
  • 28. Dyer's Guildhall (Brewhearth)
  • 43. Crier's Guildhall (Southgate)
  • Most Knowledgeable Order of Sage's (Wizard's Way)

Inns, Taverns, and Entertainment

  • 3. Wanderers Return Inn. (Elventown)
  • 15. Moonbeam Rest Inn (Moonlight)
  • 30. The Bountiful Basket Inn (Brewhearth)
  • 9. The Winter Vine Tavern (Elventown)
  • 22. Wizard's Gizzard Tavern. (Wizard's Way)
  • 40. The Hawk's Nest Tavern. (South End Center)
  • 46. Fruit of the Vine Tavern (Southgate)
  • 47. Boris' Traditional Thayvian Cuisine (restaurant) (Southgate)

Shops and Services

  • 48. Odsel's Outfitters (general store) (Southgate)
  • 4. Sam's Market (food) (Elventown)
  • 5. Jaelmura's Blades. (weaponsmith) (Elventown)
  • 52. Fierce Connal's (blacksmith) (Elventown)
  • 41. Basil's Steel (armorer and weaponsmith) (South End Center)
  • 6. Sharbremil's Medicinals. (herbalist) (Elventown)
  • 24. Feliz Boer (alchemist) (Wizard's Way)
  • 34. Hallond's Alchemicals (Brewhearth)
  • 10. Corwenia's Bakery (Elventown)
  • 11. Brion Balador (Sage) (Elventown)
  • 12. Caldwer Martus (Sage) (Elventown)
  • 26. Hargun the Sage (Wizard's Way)
  • 7. Fenne Morwennach (Scribe) (Elventown)
  • 23. Past Treasures (Antiques and Artifacts)
  • 50. Jericho's Animal Clinic and Herbalist (Southgreen)

Culture and Sites

  • 49. South End Graveyard

Important Residences

  • 51. Teldon's Manor (Wizard's Way)
Alternative Name(s)
Approximately 5,500
Location under

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