Godsday in Diamond Lake Report Report in Tales of Greyhawk | World Anvil

Godsday in Diamond Lake Report

General Summary

Godsday, Patchwall 11, 595 CY

Session: 2024-01-17

  It started on Godsday, Patchwall 11, in the common year 595. A group of younger friends and acquaintances had gathered to watch the parade of flagellants led by Jierian Wierus, a firebrand preacher of St. Cuthbert, parade down the Vein, the main thoroughfare of the mining town. Sergeant Crichton Eogen, a gold dragonborn member of the Greyhawk Militia at the Diamond Lake Garrison is followed closely by Kaszu Billowcase, a gnome tinker who likely just played a practical joke on someone in town and relies on his friendship with Crichton to smooth things over. The Bronzewood Lodge group consists of Delilah Raincloud, an alfar herbalist and budding arcanist, Malakai Steelbuckle, a dwarven druid fascinated by fungi, Tolman K'hurzz, a tielfing outcast and rogue who finds peace in Obad-Hai's message, and the goliath Argan Agu-Ulakanu, also from the Lodge and studying with Merris Sandovar, chief scout of the Diamond Lake Militia and a devout adherent of Ehlonna. With them is Khadrick Frostvein, a dwarf from Greysmere who has since apprenticed with Allustan Neff, the smartest man in Diamond Lake, and a powerful wizard.   Their conversation and banter turns to a smaller group just down the Vein a bit. Adventurers from the Free City, Auric's Avengers have come to Diamond Lake to investigate a lead about the Stirgenest Cairn, across the lake. Everyone knows the Stirgenest was cleared a long time ago, but their mage, Khellek, says he's uncovered evidence that a secret area still exists within the looted tomb. At nights, the three adventurer's part ways, the muscled champion Auric spends his nights drinking with the militiamen at the Spinning Giant, while Khellek enjoys a good game of Dragonchess at Lazare's House. The elven rogue Tirra enjoys her nights at the Feral Dog, mixing with the dangerous crowd and whipping everyone's ass at the dagger throw.  
  That conversation is distracted by the goings on across the way, Kullen's Bulldogs, the goon patrol for the mine manager Balabar Smenk, push their way to the front of the crowd, browbeating and threatening anyone who stands in their way. Led by Kullen, an albino rageborn known for his rages, the gang consists of Kullen, Rastophan, a scout, Todrick, a glaive warrior, Merovinn Bask, a sorcerer with a temper as fiery as his spells, and Skutch, the gang's infiltrator. The Bulldogs were all employed in the mines of Garavin Vesst, who tattooed his miners as if he owned them. Vesst was driven out of business by Smenk, and eventually died, some say by suicide, other aren't so sure. They all owe their new lives to Smenk and act as his enforcers in town.  
  That’s when things took a turn. Argan, fed up with the Bulldog's bullying moves across the Vein and stands in Kullen's way as he threatens some local miners watching the procession. The two exchange some taunting and threats while the rest of the companions move up. Then things come to blows, the people nearby, in an effort to be helpful, run to fetch the town guard. What starts as a non-lethal exchange soon turns more violent when Kullen rages. Tolman manages to lift a dagger from Skutch's belt, to which the thief yells "THIEF!"   In less than the minute it takes the town guard to respond, Argan and Tolman are lying unconscious on the ground. When Sheriff Cubbin tries to take the companions to lock-up, Khadrick steps in, as an apprentice of Allustan, the brother of Mayor Lanod Neff, and suggests that it might be best to let tempers cool. While the sheriff was really looking forward to busting some heads for "resisting", the wizard's apprentice convinces him to relent for the night.
It Started in Diamond Lake
Tolman K’hurzz
Malakai Steelbuckle
Delilah Raincloud
Crichton Eogen
Argan Agu-Ulakanu
Neutral Good Goliath (Outlander)
Ranger 2
20 / 20 HP
Kaszu Billowcase
Chaotic Good Rock Gnome (Guild Artisan / Guild Merchant)
Artificer 3
24 / 24 HP
Report Date
10 Feb 2024
Primary Location


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